Homosexuality: top five facts
Homosexuality – it’s a big topic everywhere. And for good reasons: there are many people that are gay, lesbian or bisexual. Actually, even a lot of animals are, too! Yet, it’s still a big taboo, and gay and lesbian people often face prejudice and discrimination. Time to bring together the most important facts and dispel misconceptions.
Realising you’re gay or lesbian
Realising you’re gay or lesbian is an experience that’s different for everyone. Some people say they’ve always known they were homosexual, and some only realised when they fell in love with someone of the same sex. Others end up being utterly confused about their sexuality.
Once you’ve realised that you’re homosexual, you could be happy about it, or it could upset you – usually depending on your upbringing, surroundings and circumstances. If you feel unhappy and confused, you’re certainly not the only one! But there’s nothing wrong with being gay or lesbian. And there’s nothing wrong with you and how you feel.Coming out
If you live in a country where homosexuality is legal and accepted in society, you may want to ‘come out’. You let the people around you know you’re gay or lesbian and then you don’t have to pretend to the world that you’re different from the way you really are.
But in some parts of the world, gays and lesbians have to keep their sexual orientation secret. However, everywhere in the world there are gays, lesbians and bisexuals, and they have contact with each other, or are part of a homosexual community, even though it may be very secretive.Myths
Homosexuality and bisexuality are surrounded by myths and clichés. Among the myths is the idea that being gay is an illness or contagious and that it can be ‘cured’. There’s simply no evidence to show this is true.
Just as untrue are the clichés that all gay men are effeminate (or all effeminate men are gay), that all lesbian women are tomboys, and that bisexual people are just sex-crazed.Legal situation
To say that homosexuality is seen differently in different parts of the world is putting it mildly. Cultural and personal attitudes to homosexuality vary widely. Some people, usually for religious or traditional reasons, see same-sex relationships as shameful or sinful. But others say that being religious and gay is not mutually exclusive. Nevertheless, gay and lesbian people can face prejudice and discrimination, hatred and violence. In many countries, being gay is even illegal.
On the other hand, many people all over the world see homosexuality as just a normal part of life. In many places, homosexuality is no longer illegal – although you might still need to be rather thick-skinned to openly live together as a gay couple – and finally, gay marriage is becoming legalised in an increasing number of countries.Be proud
So, what remains? Be proud of yourself and your sexuality! For a start, ‘coming in’ – that’s the time when you first make contact with other gays and lesbians – can be a really important moment. It can be a great experience to see you’re not the only one!
And then there are the pride parades happening each year in different cities all over the world. The LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender) community gets together to march for gay rights, make their voices heard and – just as important – throw a huge, colourful party.What do you think? Shouldn’t gay and lesbian people love and live as happily as everyone else? Share your thoughts with us below, on Facebook, or on our discussion board.
Gays are a disgrace, they don
Gays are a disgrace, they don’t deserve a chance or rights
they are complete perverts
I d0n’t bliv that a man was born gay, why did God even give u a dick in the 1st place then… they shud av just gotten a cunt so we can shove our dick in them
Let them all read Leviticus 20:13
Hi Desmond every one has the
Hi Desmond every one has the right to decide who they want to love. Religion is one’s choice and should not be a basis for everyone. Thanks for your input and participation.
If Nature Changes And People
If Nature Changes And People Start To pee Using Their Valves And Dicks, Then I’ll agree with sex in the asshole. or else gays and lesibians are mentally ill
Hi Faisal, thanks for sharing
Hi Faisal, thanks for sharing your thought. You should try and do some research and understand more on this topic.
I don believe in the
I don believe in the innocency of homosexuality-this is a sin To God. However as it is this is now more rampant in today’s world all because it is more agreeable to today’s world than the ancient world. Satan is at work to bring all the knowledge against the order of nature. This However does not make homosexuality permissible. I know very well that people can fall in Lovefor the heart is what controls this-but havent I seen more people fall in Love with the wrong people? Loving a person of the same sex doesnt mean you go to bed with them-thats where all this things concludes to sex hence the contemptious and punitive treat. Nevertheless I think God never made mistakes writing the whole Bible!
Thanks for your input and for
Thanks for your input and for sharing your thoughts on this.
Gay, lesbians and betiallity
Gay, lesbians and betiallity are a disgrace to our African culture ts an ill manner which is prohibited, that is spread by whites no body z born a homosexual thats why this world will end up as sodom and Gomorah
Homosexuality was there even
Homosexuality was there even in the African culture it was not introduced by the white man. But thanks for sharing your thoughts.