8 lies about sex and disability you shouldn’t believe
People with disabilities (PWDs) can and do have sex. Even today, stories about sex lives of PWDs are rare and many of those available peddle lies. We have to change this. First, there are many myths out there – let’s bust them!
- People with disabilities don’t have sex: People living with disabilities (PWDs) can be just as sexual as their more able-bodied peers. They have desires and sexual needs just like everyone else, even though they may express them differently.Some people think that PWDs are less adventurous sexually than their peers. But that’s also a myth.
- All PWDs are virgins: People with disabilities can have sex, so don’t assume someone is a virgin just because they have a disability.This myth puts PWDs at risk of being abused, as some people believe in ‘virgin cleaning’, the belief that having sex with a virgin will cure them of STDs such as HIV.
- PWDs don’t need love or sex: Just because someone lives with a disability doesn’t mean they aren’t worthy of love, or don’t need sex. They are worthy, and they can love and be loved.
- PWDs can only have sex and be in relationships with other PWDs: Relationships are always hard work for both partners, whether they are living with disabilities or not. But, just because you live with a disability doesn’t mean that you are unable to contribute to a relationship.Relationships are about mutual loving and respect. Caring for each other.
- PWDs can’t have real sex: There is no such thing as ‘real sex’. There are no rules of sex. Sex is always different, and you can never have sex the same way twice. So how can there be a right or wrong way? Have sex the way you and your partner like it – that’s all that matters!Related: Do Disabled Men Get Erections?
- PWDs can’t get STIs: This is very wrong. A person’s disability doesn’t affect STDs. People with disabilities are just as likely to get STDs as everybody else. So it’s important to use condoms or only have sex with a partner who has also been tested for STDs.
- PWDs don’t need sex education: Of course they do. If people are going to have sex, they should have all the information they need. About protecting themselves against STDs and pregnancy. Or about what’s actually involved when you have sex. Or about learning how to cope with sexual violence. And contrary to what some people believe, access to sex education does not encourage people to have sex. It allows them to make educated decisions when they do decide to have sex.
- PWDs shouldn’t have children: If there are no anatomical restrictions, PWDs are just as capable of being good parents as anyone else. They may need some help on occasion, but which new parent doesn’t?
- Have you had experience with sex and disability. Please share! Leave a comment below or join the discussion on Facebook.
Hello Love Matters team. Saw
Hello Love Matters team. Saw you link articles on disability and sex and I thought I could help expound. Here’s my article ( http://www.storyzetu.com/articles/do-disabled-people-have-sex/ ) on the issue.
check, share, read and enjoy
Thank you, Rodriguez!
Thank you, Rodriguez!
This is very educative and
This is very educative and also there is need to reach them PWDs in their homestead to help them build their self confidence as some are lied and used because they feel inferior
we agree, and we will keep on working on this! If you have any specific ideas, or if you would like to work with us on this, please feel free to email us at [email protected]
So gud and educative.
So gud and educative.
Thank you so much for your…
Thank you so much for your feedback, Leonard. Please feel free to go through the website to find other articles that you may find interesting.