So worried I’m pregnant!
I recently had sex with my boyfriend; it was his first time. It was without a condom but I have the Mirena coil. Should I be worried about getting pregnant?
Whether or not it’s someone’s first time doesn’t matter when it comes to getting pregnant. It’s a myth that women can’t get pregnant the first time they have sex. And it’s the same for men: they can impregnate a woman, even if they have never had intercourse before.
But, since you are using the Mirena, which is one of the brands of hormonal IUDs, your risk of getting pregnant is very, very low. In fact, the hormonal IUD is one of the most reliable methods of birth control.
It’s a good idea to regularly check if you can still feel the strings of your Mirena though. If you can’t feel them, please see a healthcare provider; it can be an indication that the IUD isn’t in the right position.
Also, if you are experiencing other major symptoms, like very heavy and long periods, also check in with a medical professional.
You don’t always have to use a condom when you are having sex. That’s especially true if both you and your partner have been tested for STDs and you know you are faithful to each other.
Condoms are great when it comes to preventing STDs, but when you are in a committed relationship with low risks, you can skip them. Especially if you are on an IUD and you have a low chance of getting pregnant.
And this brings me to the last point: did you talk to your boyfriend about contraception and protecting yourselves before you were having sex? While that can be a very awkward conversation, it’s a very important one.
As a couple, it’s good to make decisions on protection together.
That way, you can discuss things that concern you and set rules for your relationship. You might want to get tested together before having sex, for example, to make sure you are both healthy.
Keeping yourself and your partner safe is very important in any loving, trusting relationship. So sit down with him and talk about birth control, and what works for both of you, before you get between the sheets again.
Do you have questions about birth control methods? Ask our discussion board moderators for help!
when is the right time to…
when is the right time to have sex with girl and she can’t get pregnant?
Hi Jasper, You can consider…
Hi Jasper, You can consider using birth control which will prevent unplanned pregnancies. In case where you are not using birth control methods then having sex on |Safe days might help prevent. Safe days are however the most unreliable way to prevent pregnancy, and we really don’t recommend it at all. When the safe days are really depends on the length of ones cycle. Technically speaking, the first seven days before and after the period, as well as the time of the period, are relatively safe. But, if one has a shorter cycle (shorter than 28 days), or an irregular one, this will vary. Also keep in mind that sperm can survive for up to five days and longer inside the body – so even if you have sex on a ‘safe’ day, one can still get pregnant, because the sperm survived until the ovulation date. So you see, it’s a very inaccurate. And lastly, of course this won’t protect you from STDs. Only condoms will. So we really recommend a more reliable method.
Check out the following article;- https://lovematters.co.ke/our-bodies/female-body/menstruation
Am worried I had sex…
Am worried I had sex immediately after my periods and not using any contraceptive is it possible to became pregnant?
Hi Mich, The a small chance…
Hi Mich, The a small chance you can get pregnant. If this is already past the first 72 hrs when you can use Emergency Contraception you can now only wait for 14 days and then get a pregnancy test to get to know if you did get pregnant.
am worried i had sex after …
am worried i had sex after 1 week so am worried that am pregnant
Hi Sohern, you may have to…
Hi Sohern, you may have to wait to see if you will get you next period or get a pregnancy test done fourteen days from that time you had unprotected sex. Check out this article for more information;- https://lovematters.co.ke/pregnancy/unsure-about-being-pregnant/am-i-pregnant
My girlfriend doesn’t like…
My girlfriend doesn’t like using any birth control. We have not had sex yet. When are safe days to have sex without any birth control?
Hi, first safe days are one…
Hi, first safe days are one of the most unreliable ways to prevent pregnancy, and we really don’t recommend it at all. When ones safe days are really depends on the length of their cycle. Technically speaking, the first seven days before and after ones period, as well as the time of the period, are relatively safe. But, if one has a shorter cycle (shorter than 28 days), or an irregular one, this will vary. Also keep in mind that sperm can survive for up to five days and longer inside the body, so even if one has sex on a ‘safe’ day, they could still get pregnant, because the sperm survived until their ovulation date. This is why it’s a very inaccurate method. And lastly, of course this won’t protect you from STDs. Only condoms will. So we really recommend a more reliable method.
Having said that, there are multiple birth control methods that you and your partner can choose from. Now that you planning to have sex take time and look at the various options you have, loom at the pros and cons of each and then make a decision based on what you both feel will work better. It may help to get to know what exactly your partner doesn’t like about birth control which can also help you in deciding which method to use. Check out these articles;-
if I had already ovulated…
if I had already ovulated and did unprotected sex but immediately took the e-pills will I get pregnant am really scared
Hi Brendah, You may or may…
Hi Brendah, You may or may not get pregnant. The Emergency Contraception pill should be taken within the first 72 hours after sex. The pill is however most effective within the first 24 hours. The longer one takes the less effective the pill is. One can have a pregnancy test done 14 days after to determine whether one is pregnant or not. Have a look at the following article;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/birth-control/types-of-birth-control/emergency-contraception
My boyfriend fingered me and…
My boyfriend fingered me and I think his fingers had some semen but I took P2 before 12 hours passed. Can I get pregnant?
Hi Yasmin,
Taking P2 as…
Hi Yasmin,
Taking P2 as soon as possible significantly reduces the chances of getting pregnant. However, since P2 are not 100% effective at preventing pregnancy, there is a small chance that you got pregnant. The best thing to do is to take a pregnancy test.