Top five myths about gay relationships
We’ve all heard vague stereotypes about same-sex relationships. Most of them are baseless. This week, Love Matters busts five common myths about gay relationships.
There’s always ‘a man’ and ‘a woman’
Most people think that despite belonging to the same sex, gay couples must adopt opposite gender roles. This is a common cliché and there is little credibility to it. Researcher Robert-Jay Green studied 976 gay couples in 2008 and concluded that same-sex couples tend to be more egalitarian in their relationships compared to opposite-sex couples.
Also, one must not forget that gender roles, in the first place, are fluid and not strictly defined. So what’s ‘male’ in one part in the world or at one point of time may not be ‘male’ at another. Besides, this myth reflects some sort of a desperate eagerness to retain some heterosexual flavour to same-sex relationships.They could have a bad influence on their children
Well, this thought has been one of the reasons why same-sex couples and gay adoption rights are still not a widespread reality. Some may even think that children adopted by same-sex couples are likely to be gay themselves. That’s a baseless stereotype. Research says that children with same-sex parents are likely to be happier individuals.
On the other hand, it is alright to imagine that children of same-sex couples might face some challenges socially. This is because their parents are different from the mainstream. But this doesn’t mean that children of heterosexual couples or interracial couples face no special challenges. Besides, it has also been concluded that the children of same-sex couples are at no adverse risk just because of their parents’ sexuality.Open relationships are common among gay people
It is common to believe that gay relationships are mostly no-strings-attached. But there’s no serious study or statistic vouching for it.
Gay relationships are short-lived
Gay men are typically thought to be promiscuous, engaging in open and short-lived relationships. However, there is a sizeable number of gay couples that defies this stereotype.
There is nothing in homosexuality itself that discourages people from committing seriously to each other. And with the fast-growing struggle for the legalisation of gay marriages, this myth may soon cease to exist.Gay relationships are just about sex
This one is perhaps the most common myth surrounding gay relationships. It is important to remember that sex is just one level on which people of the same sex can engage with each other romantically. Just as heterosexual couples, gay couples also look for emotional comfort in their relationships.
Do you know any other myths about gay relationships? Share them as comments below or write to us on Facebook. If you have a question, please visit our discussion forum.