Why some people have lots of lovers

Why some people have lots of lovers

Why do some people have tons of partners and others are happy with one? Research tells us why we are different when it comes to how many lovers we crave.

How money can affect your love life

How money can affect your love life

Can believing we are rich or poor affect how we feel and behave in a relationship? Recent research from China reveals the impact money can have on romantic love.

The man who didn’t enjoy his orgasms

The man who didn’t enjoy his orgasms

Imagine if when you ejaculated it just felt like… nothing. No bliss, just a squirt. Your brain doesn’t know how to orgasm. It’s real, and it’s got a name: orgasmic anhedonia.

Why do people cheat?

If you’ve ever been cheated on – or were the one doing the cheating – you probably want answers. Here are three science-based theories on why we cheat.