Celebrating women’s month with all the women in me
It is women’s history month and as I observe it today with my bottle of fine wine and multiple self-induced orgasms, I think of how much I love and enjoy being a woman.
I think of how I adore women in general, not because of our strength or because we refuse to break amidst the unpalatable struggles we face across the world for being women. I love us for simply being. Despite the boundaries we face every day in society, we are embracing our bodies and living by our rules.
The world has decided to give us a month to celebrate us but I feel we deserve to be celebrated every day. It is in times like this that I reflect on my own journey through life, so today I celebrate all the women I am made of.
To the woman who has discovered and learnt to prioritize herself; you let yourself hurt and then grow. You are now in charge and it is okay to keep plenty of you for yourself.
To the woman who finally sees herself without an ugly tag; self-love is beautiful and even if you do not feel like it all the time, you really are a sight for sore eyes.
To the woman who struggles with her saggy breasts and FUPA sometimes; your body serves, slays and functions. As long as you are most comfortable with it, whoever wants different can take the exit.
To the woman who once was shadowed with dark clouds and poor libido; the clouds did clear and being able to enjoy sex is a thrill I wish you forever.
To the woman who now embraces her body’s desire for multiple companions, the one affirming her bi-curiosity and exploring self-pleasure; I am glad you know your body belongs to you solely and the rules you follow are only yours to make. Even when people do not understand you and assume your sexual liberation is your way to prove a point, ignore the urge to explain yourself to them, for your sexual choices are not about them.
For the woman in me who still struggles with deciding on a hormonal contraceptive option because even one side effect is too much for her; you are not a coward for choosing the options your body is comfortable with.
To the woman who has adopted being vocal about her needs and desires; may you never feel the need to keep your words to yourself.
To the woman who sometimes is careless with her sexual choices; each day you choose to do better for yourself and avoid past errors is a step forward.
To the woman who thinks she is too old and knowledgeable to have an unwanted pregnancy; I hope life is keeping no surprise for you but I revel in the fact that I know you are not a fool.
To the woman who is ready to seek an abortion if taken fii idiot by her eggs; only you can decide what stays inside you, plus you are entitled to your reproductive rights as long as it is not unhealthy for you.
To the woman who hasn’t decided if she wants to have kids; take all the time you want before you commit to it. If it takes forever, know that the world never runs out of little ones, the children you choose not to have won’t be missed.
Knowing all of this has helped me become a better woman to myself. I am constantly exploring the various parts of who I am and I can only hope they won’t stop being in perfect harmony.
What message would you like to tell yourself as we celebrate women’s month? Do let us know in the comment section.
This is lovely.
This is lovely.
Thank you for your feedback…
Thank you for your feedback Bunmi! Always pleased to help 🙂