If you have a traditional family, you will likely be very aware of the typical marriage customs and rituals of your tribe. This knowledge can become especially important in inter-tribal marriages. Make sure that you that bring this subject up with both sides of the family, so everybody can have a say in what’s important for them.
Most communities have at least two or three meetings. For the first, the bride’s parents are visited by the man, accompanied by his father and uncles, so he can state his interest in the bride-to-be. The second is normally a dowry negotiation. During a final meeting, the dowry is often paid or the wedding plans are gone over.
Any negotiations are usually done by the fathers and uncles. The groom sits quietly and is rarely allowed to talk. Meanwhile, the women cook, serve and wait – and they also don’t talk unless spoken to. The bride remains hidden until she is summoned by the elders to confirm that the groom is ‘the one’. But due to the costs of these feasts, most parents now prefer to fuse all of these different visits into a single ceremony.
These ceremonies always entail much feasting. With Luos, Luhyas, and Kisiis in particular, you need to ensure that you are all very hungry when you arrive with your groomsmen. There will be piles of ugali, chicken, fish, beef, goat meat (fried, stewed, and roasted), rice, chapattis, traditional vegetables, tea with mandazi, etc. With Kisiis, the groomsmen must be prepared for a similar feast on the morning of the wedding when they go to pick up the bride.
Variations abound within the Kalenjin community. Kipsigis tend to be a bit more conservative than the Koito when it comes to the dowry ceremony. Usually featuring only immediate family members of one clan, the ceremony is almost a mini-wedding in itself, with the bride showered with gifts after the dowry is negotiated. Meanwhile Nandis tend to go all out by inviting the entire village for a huge koito.
The Kikuyus’ ruracio is the formal meeting of the families, to negotiate and dine together to celebrate the courtship. But before the groom’s family is allowed in, the female relatives must first compete in a song battle. While not really competitive, the groom’s arsenal of aunts often supplement their singing with gifts such as viondos (sisal baskets), food or cash. The ruracio is perhaps best known for the veiling of the women. With the bride-to-be and her cousins all wrapped from head to knee, the groom must then identify his bride by her legs. If he picks the wrong legs, he must pay a fine – may it be cash or a goat. Most brides-to-be try to help their groom out by giving clues – but otherwise it just means more goats for mom and dad.
Kambas traditionally have numerous meetings, with the initial one resembling a covert operation. The man’s parents and maybe an uncle will visit his love interest’s parents to express his interest. If the parents liked their prospective son-in-law, he gets the green light. Otherwise his family must slink off quietly. But this is only the first hurdle; during a second meeting he must now seek their blessing. If all goes well a third meeting is set. He must now provide two female goats and one male goat which are slaughtered immediately to bless the union. Only then is the bride price negotiated – which will be paid over a long period of time. Once that is settled, the groom must then rally his family to his bride’s home to cook for her whole family – as a sign that they can take care of his wife. But yes, nowadays a caterer is hired in.
That’s what people do in our…
That’s what people do in our tribe
We appreciate your…
We appreciate your contribution, Patel.
How do I know he is the…
How do I know he is the right person for marrige?
Hey There, you may want to…
Hey There, you may want to begin by thinking about the kind of person you want for a long term relationship like marriage. It is also important to consider what kind of relationship you want even before you even gate into a relationship. It is important to share your expectations early i the relationship and also have your partner share their expectations. This will help make things clear from the very beginning of the relationship. You need to think about whether you are inlove or just infatuated, do share the same beliefs including religious beliefs and if they differ how do you plan to make this work and how well do you communicate about everything. Check out this article other things to consider;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/marriage/thinking-about-marriage/the-big-decision-how-do-i-know
Hi, the girl nataka kuoa is…
Hi, the girl nataka kuoa is 3 yrs older than me. My relatives think I should break up with her and find some who is younger. They have options for me choose but I am in love with my girl and we want to marry. Can such a marriage work?
Dear Kama, when it comes to…
Dear Kama, when it comes to relationships age is really just a number. If you are both inlove, you both want to get married then nothing should stop you from being together not even the age difference. Further the age difference between the two of you is not significant enough to have a negative impact on your relationship. Talk to your relatives, let them know that this is the person you love and want to be with and spend the rest of your life with. All you need from them is support and understanding even if they don’t agree with your choice. Check out this article;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/love-relationships/happy-relationships/does-age-difference-matter
Thank you Me for your…
Thank you Me for your contribution.
I am dating this chick who…
I am dating this chick who is from a different we love each other but I am concerned about whether this relationship will go further than dating since she is from a different religion. We have not talked about it yet. I want a relationship that will lead to marriage because this will make us focus. Kindly help me make a decision.
Hello Ray, religion is one…
Hello Ray, religion is one of the deep seated values and it is important that partners talk about this early in a relationship particularly if your religious beliefs are very different. Find a good time and talk about these differences honestly including what they mean now and in future. Talk about whether you can still have a great relationship with the different beliefs. If you can’t, it maybe time to break up. Have a look at the following article;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/marriage/thinking-about-marriage/the-big-decision-how-do-i-know
Hi am dating this chick for…
Hi am dating this chick for the last two years now of which is leading to marriage but she is insisting that first I pay dowry dio tuishi pamoja am confused help me plz
Hello Hezric, thank you for…
Hello Hezric, thank you for reaching out to us. Even though you live together and you feel that you are as good as married, she may feel differently and may need an assurance of your commitment which in this case could be the dowry. Remember that there are cultural obligations as well.
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