8 signs you’re addicted to porn
Porn is a fun and easy way to add spice to your sex life. But at what point does a little entertainment turn into a harmful addiction? Here are eight signs you might be addicted to porn.
You spend an excessive amount of time watching porn
Porn addicts tend to spend an excessive amount of time watching porn, alone with their fantasies. They often keep unusual hours and neglect family, friends and other responsibilities to feed their addiction. But how much is too much? It’s too much when you’ve decided you want to stop, but can’t help yourself to more.
You’ve become anti-social
Porn addicts often spend more time with pornography than they do interacting with the outside world – a habit that can harm their ability to establish long-term relationships.
You’re lying to your partner
Feeling ashamed of themselves, porn addicts cloud their relationships with secrecy and dishonesty. They might want to hide their porn habit from their partner. They may also do what it takes to not be discovered.
Your partner no longer seems attractive
With their perfectly toned and shaved or waxed bodies, porn stars pose a real risk of luring you into a world of permanent sexual fantasy. This can make it hard to be turned on by a living, breathing human being. With perfection as the competition, you may begin finding your partner unattractive in comparison.
Your sex life is suffering
You may grow emotionally distant from your partner because of addiction to porn. This could land you in a dissatisfying sex life. Even during sex, the porn addict’s mind may be stuck in their fantasy world, in which no real experience can measure up. It isn’t uncommon for men and women addicted to porn to experience a loss of sexual desire for their partner. This is because they have become used to being turned on only by pornographic images. In such cases, addicts often blame their partners for their inability to perform, and the relationship suffers even further.
Read more here!
Your concept of intimacy has become distorted
A porn addict’s expectations about sex and intimacy can become unrealistic. If you’re only interested in people who look and perform like porn stars, and think there’s something wrong with partners who don’t, then it may be time to find help.
Your obsession with porn is causing you distress
Your porn-watching habits can cause you physiological and emotional distress. It could be because your porn addiction doesn’t match your value system. This can give you feelings of isolation, shame or irritability.
Your sexual behaviour is becoming increasingly risky
You may want to imitate fantasy scenes from porn films in real life. If you have unprotected sex with strangers, it can be risky to your health and wellbeing. Indulging in child or other illegal pornography can also expose you to greater risks. If you find yourself in this situation; it’s best to seek immediate help.
Are you worried that you’re addicted to pornography? Please leave your comments below or via Facebook.
Yess I am and I can’t stop I
Yess I am and I can’t stop I need a help ,as at now I used it to masturbate myself and now am having a pain in My waist please help me
if you are having pain, please see a doctor about this as soon as possible.
yea I am I had exactly the
yea I am I had exactly the same problems and wrecked my relationships till now am single
are you still watching porn?
indeed yo right
indeed yo right
Thanks for your comment,
Thanks for your comment, Collines.
plz advise me.am in a long
plz advise me.am in a long distance relationship in a duration of 2 years ad i luv my girlfriend bt nowdays anytime i call her she claims to be buzy.she has no time for me..does she rily luv me.can this relationship work without communication???
no, relationships without communication generally can’t work.
You need to talk to her and find out what is going on and how you guys can fix this.
30 single watching porn where
30 single watching porn where can i get help
do you want to stop?
How can we help you, Erico?
How can we help you, Erico?
i am a porn addict..i want to
i am a porn addict..i want to stop..please help
have a look here: https://lovematters.co.ke/news/porn-addiction-what-you-can-do-about-it
My problem is my exboy friend
My problem is my exboy friend is running after my first born 20yrs old.he is married and j am married too .my husband cares for this boy who is in university. The man in Qestion abandoned me when jtold jwas 3months expectant ,that is when he lost.pliz advice me on how to without hating any of the three
sorry, we are confused. Your husband left you when you were pregnant? Or was it the first guy, who is now after your first born?
My girlfriend has an
My girlfriend has an extremely low libido. I have to be the one to initiate sex and that annoys me. Makes it feel like she is not really sexually attracted to me so the sex is given as a matter of obligation and chore.
On the other hand, am very freaky and sexual with the sex drive of a horse on Viagra. I watch a lot of porn and masturbate, which if I dont I find myself extremely frustrated at how opposite to the sides of the pole we are.
I keep unusual hours to watch my porn because the rest of the time I have to be at work or cooking and preparing for work again.
Some of our women after some months in a relationship seize to be fun or sexy and some just don’t know how to and wont try. That’s what makes guys watch a lot of porn
looking at me from an eagles eye, you would say am addicted, but I think sometimes we have to be practical depending on the extremity of our biological nature.
Thanks a lot Kali for sharing
Thanks a lot Kali for sharing your experience with us.
Have you tried to express your frustrations to your partner?
Have you talked about what she likes and what turns her on.
If you have not you can give it a try. Having a conversation can go a long way in helping to deal with an issue.
How can I stop watching porn
How can I stop watching porn
Hi Brian, it is important to…
Hi Brian, it is important to find out what the route cause of this addiction is and the address the route causes. You may find that not putting to good use your leisure time is a route among others. Addressing the route cause will go along way toward dealing with the addiction. It is also important to clean up your environment, remove any materials that lead you back to porn. Lastly, take each day at a time, even when you relapse or go back to the porn wake up to try again. Eventually, you will achieve your goal. Have a look at the following article for more tips;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/making-love/porn/porn-addiction-what-you-can-do-about-it
am trying to quit hlp me
am trying to quit hlp me
Hello Anonymous, thank you…
Hello Anonymous, thank you for reaching out to us. If you are addicted to porn, it is probably because you use it to masturbate, yes? If you are absolutely sure you want to stop, you should know that it will not be easy. This is because when you watch porn and masturbate, it leads to the release of endorphins which is better known as the pleasure hormone. Second, masturbation has now become part of your arousal template which is the total amount of thoughts, activities, stimuli, smells etc. that arouse a person sexually.
To stop masturbating, you will need to identify the things that lead you to masturbate like seeing something, or just boredom. Also, when you get the urge to masturbate occupy yourself with another activity.
Please note that it could take you 21 days to 6 months to work on this and it might not work. If you are really committed, try and find a counsellor or a therapist to help you through. Good luck!