Illustration of (s)expert Chris Hart
E. del Rosso for Love Matters

Why are men into lesbian porn?

Why do so many men seem to love the idea of watching lesbian porn?

Actually, I think men like a whole wide range of porn! And incidentally, so do most women. It’s just that we’re constantly told that we shouldn’t. And so no one ever really talks about it.

Different tastes

But if they did, you’d probably also find that both men and women have very distinctive tastes. So that what one individual finds a real turn on leaves another absolutely cold. But there are some definite trends. Like people’s preferences follow their sexual orientation very closely. So for example, heterosexual men are very turned on by all forms of porn that involve young, beautiful, and seductive women, and are very turned off by gay men. So be instantly suspicious if you catch your boyfriend surfing guy porn websites!


Lesbian porn is also very popular with straight women! Partly that’s because a lesbian encounter is a fantasy for many women, even those who wouldn’t actually be turned on by another woman in real life. But more importantly, it’s because girl-on-girl porn gives more air time to things that most women want in real life, and which they’re probably not getting enough of. Oral sex in other words.

When men search for porn, lesbian porn does not rank as highly among their search terms as do words like breasts, butts, amateurs, teens, older women, or whatever.

But they definitely do search for it. Because men are most aroused by porn that emphasises youth and beauty, and which downplays drama and complex emotions.

So lesbian porn works for straight men by doubling everything up Because the only thing that’s better for a heterosexual man than watching one hot but personality-free woman is watching two of them! To say nothing of him being able to imagine having sex with two beautiful women instead of just one.

Watching pretty girls

In a way, this doesn’t make much sense. Because lesbians are the one group of women who are never going to be interested in a straight man. But sexual fantasy has its own set of rules that have nothing to do with making sense. Women, for instance, are aroused by billionaires and celebrities, who they’re extremely unlikely ever to meet.

And in any case, real straight men aren’t actually aroused by real lesbians. Very few straight men visit websites that are targeted at actual lesbians, and they don’t actually want to date a lesbian. They just like watching pretty girls.

How do you feel about lesbian porn? Leave a comment below or join the discussions on Facebook, where you can find us at Love Matters Naija and Kenya.

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Recent Comments (5)

  1. I love lesbian porn because…
    I love lesbian porn because i am also lesbian

    1. Hey Ndalo, thank you for…

      Hey Ndalo, thank you for sharing.

  2. Wow! this is soo true about…
    Wow! this is soo true about me over the past years my taste for porn has rapidly changed. Nowadays I’m into more of Fetishes and lesbian porn

    1. Hi Alex,

      Great to hear!…

      Hi Alex,

      Great to hear! Thank you for sharing your experience with us. Enjoy and don’t be afraid to try new things!

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