HIV – your top questions answered
While we’ve all heard about HIV and AIDS, there are always questions that remain unanswered… So Love Matters has collected some queries from our readers – along with the answers!
‘Is the virus in the semen or in the sperm?’
The virus can be found in seminal fluid, but also in blood, vaginal and anal fluids and even breast milk.
‘Is it true women are at a higher risk of being infected?’
Yes, that’s true. One of the reasons is that women are more likely to get small wounds during sex, for example when they are very dry or the sex is rough. That makes it easier for the virus to enter the body. Other reasons include having less access to education and a higher risk of being a victim of violence.
‘If I got HIV, are there any drugs I can take immediately?’
If you think you may have been exposed, you can go on an emergency drug course called PEP (short for post-exposure prophylaxis). The sooner you start, the better. The medication will need to be taken for 28 days. Unfortunately, many people experience side effects during this period, such as nausea and diarrhoea. PEP is very effective, but sadly not 100 per cent.
‘How can I ask my boyfriend to take a HIV test with me without making things awkward between us?’
It’s great you want to do it together – that in itself will help make this tough conversation a bit easier. Be honest with him about why this is important to you – it could be that you want both of you to be safe, or that it’s a rule you have before sleeping with someone. It won’t be an easy conversation, but stand up for yourself, and be proud that you care about the wellbeing of both of you.
‘Is it possible to live with someone who is positive and you remain negative?’
Yes, absolutely! You will need to take some precautions, but someone’s status shouldn’t stand in the way of a loving relationship. It would be best to get advice from a healthcare provider or a VCT on condom use, viral load, pregnancy and other subjects before you start making love.
‘Can someone get AIDS through kisses or oral sex?’
Getting an HIV-infection through kissing is pretty much impossible, unless both of you have blood-gushing wounds in your mouths. The risks for oral sex are also quite low. Using condoms or dental dams (a piece of latex to cover the vulva) can be used to decrease these odds even further – especially if you have bleeding gums and sores, other wounds or STDs.
‘Can you get HIV when a lady has a lot of water in her private parts?’
You can only get infected if you have sex with someone who is HIV-positive and vaginal fluid can indeed contain the virus. Being very wet, however, isn’t a sign of HIV infection but rather it’s a normal reaction to arousal.
‘Is the total cure for this virus out? Or how long can you live with the virus?’
Unfortunately, not yet. It’s very difficult because the virus constantly changes (mutates). Scientists are working hard on a vaccine and other ways to prevent infections. The good news is that with the current drugs available, many people can live relatively normal lives. That’s especially the case if you follow your doctor’s instructions regarding medication very, very carefully and if you lead a healthy lifestyle.
Do you have other burning questions about HIV/AIDS? Get in touch with our discussion board moderators, leave a comment below or poll the community on Facebook.
when you keep on having
when you keep on having painless boils on your private parts is it true that you are sick or it is normal?
Hi Jane,
Hi Jane,
There is nothing normal about having boils on your genitals. If it happens one needs to seek medical attention immediately.
No one cannot get HIV from Bedbugs r any other insects.
Read more on how to prevent contracting HIV here https://lovematters.co.ke/resource/hiv .
I have one qtn WC goes like
I have one qtn WC goes like this what are exact first signs of HIV when u get infected thx a lot for what you are doing for us
Check out this article to find out most of what you need to know on HIV https://lovematters.co.ke/resource/hiv .
What is the cure of UTI?
What is the cure of UTI?
Hi Shadii,
Hi Shadii,
The best place to find a cure for any kind of infection would be the hospital. You can use the search bar on our website to find a clinic near you.
Seeking medical attention is always the best way to go.
For how long will take in
For how long will take in your in order shows (its gestation period)
For most rapid test the window period ranges from two weeks to one month. So if one tests one month from time of possible exposure they will be able to know their HIV status.
whats the gestation period
whats the gestation period for HIV/AIDS …?
Hi Isaac, what do you mean by
Hi Isaac, what do you mean by Gestation? If you are referring to the window period, its normally one month from the time one is exposed to the HIV virus.
can i get AIDs when i fuck a
can i get AIDs when i fuck a lady with large virgina
Hi Mark,
Hi Mark,
HIV transmission does not matter about the size of the sexual organ but rather if one is infected or not and whether one is using protection.
Read some more https://lovematters.co.ke/resource/hiv .
is it fine when it comes to
is it fine when it comes to cleaning the private parts and you push your finger inside and remove the fluids? are they supposed to be solid or liquid and which colour? do they have a smell or not?
Hi Ariana,
Hi Ariana,
Check out this article to find out https://lovematters.co.ke/resource/hygiene-women .
When u come in conduct with a
When u come in conduct with a person who hai HIV and have sores, can u be infected also?
If one comes into contact
If one comes into contact with an open wound or cut from an infected person and they also have an open cut or wound and there is fluid exchange then there is a possibility of passing the infection.
Read more here https://lovematters.co.ke/resource/hiv .
can anyone get Hiv when a
can anyone get Hiv when a bedbug bites the infected person then bites a p’son who don’t have can that happen?
HIV cannot be transmitted
HIV cannot be transmitted through insects.
One can get HIV through unprotected sex with an infected person or through an infected mother to the child. One can also contract HIV through coming into contact with infected blood through an open wound.
Learn more here https://lovematters.co.ke/resource/hiv
Expired condoms are not valid
Expired condoms are not valid for use since they cannot be able to protect you as they should.
One should always use a valid condom hat is not compromised.
how can ireduce on the want
how can ireduce on the want for girlz in order to reduce on the risks of geting S T Is
Hi Isaac, one has to simply
Hi Isaac, one has to simply exercise self control. And if you have to have sex you should always remember to use protection to reduce chances of getting an infection or unintended pregnancy.
I had sex with ma wife when
I had sex with ma wife when she was in the last day of her period.after a day i started feeling like am burning around ma genital and the feeling has spread to the buttocks i too feel burning when urinating.what might it be?pliz help
That sounds like something
That sounds like something that needs medical attention. You can look for a clinic near you through our website search bar and go get tested and treated.
i hv something like a thread
i hv something like a thread in my anus wat should be the cause
Hi Edith,
Hi Edith,
You should probably have that checked by a doctor. its could be a worm or something else.
How long does someone with
How long does someone with Hiv take to show signs.
HIV does not have exclusive
HIV does not have exclusive physical signs, one can live with HIV for a long time without knowing they have the infection if they live a healthy lifestyle. It is therefore important for one to test annually for their HIV status.
If a breastfeeding.mother
If a breastfeeding.mother knows she is Hiv positive when. already. the child. Is 8 months. Can she save the. Child
If the child is not already infected by then and she is still breastfeeding the best thing to do is to stop breastfeeding the child to reduce he chances of passing an infection.
My sis has been on ARVS for
My sis has been on ARVS for 7yrs..some 1 told me that these drugs leave poison in the body which can damage other organs like the liver,,kidney and the entire body..is it true ??and which drugs can she take which can remove that poison from her body??
Hello Stella,
Hello Stella,
ARV’s are drugs that help keep a HIV positive persons immune system strong. They are not harmful and can be taken for many years and they do not poison the body.
am 22 i last head sex in
am 22 i last head sex in February tested after 2 months, one time i kissed my gal friend and found that her tongue looked like a contour hill
from then i have never tested but i have a fear that i may have received aids but we have been testing with her before and she was free from aids
but now i had moved out of the country and i just witnessed the change on her tongue after my return. she has continuously begged for sex but i have still resisted though we had kissed
need your help and advise
It sounds as though you are
It sounds as though you are not sure about having sex with her.
If you are not sure about her status the best thing would be to test together with her. You can also use a condom to make sure you reduce chances of getting an infection.
Having a tongue with contours does not mean one is HIV positive or negative.
Use the search bar on our website to find a clinic near you where both of you can go for testing.
What causes someone to h’ve
What causes someone to h’ve red lips?ls it HIV or not?.
Hi Hasifa,
Hi Hasifa,
Having red lips can be cause by different things like ethernal burns from alcohol consumption.
HIV does not cause one to have red lips.
Read more about HIV here https://lovematters.co.ke/resource/hiv .
What are the signs of an
What are the signs of an impotent man has?
Hi Hasifa,
Hi Hasifa,
Impotence does not have any physical signs apart from the ability to reproduce or impregnate a woman.
What are safe days and danger
What are safe days and danger days of getting pregnant.according to the menstrual cycle.
The eight to twenty first day of your menstrual cycle, counting from first day, is considered as the fertile period or the UNSAFE period.
Days other than this are considered SAFE, that is, the 1st-7th day of the cycle and then again from the 22nd to the 28th day.
But this may not exactly be correct for all women. It depends on the length of your menstrual cycle (it should be exactly a 28 day cycle or little less) and if you have a regular periods cycle. If the cycle is longer than 28 days that, this time frame isn’t reliable.
Opting to have sex during the ‘safe period’ isn’t fool-proof though. Using condoms along with other contraceptive methods like the oral pills are advised to prevent unwanted pregnancies.
whats is the differents btwn
whats is the differents btwn #STD & STI?
What’s the difference between
What’s the difference between an STI and an STD? You’ve got a sexually transmitted infection (STI) when you’ve been infected by a bacteria, virus or parasite through having unprotected sex. If the infection goes on to cause symptoms, such as unusual discharge from your penis or vagina, you’ve got a sexually transmitted disease (STD).
Generally speaking, the only difference between an STI and an STD is whether you’ve got symptoms. Either way, you still have an infection that you can pass on to someone else.
i have tryed 2 ask a question
i have tryed 2 ask a question but i failed
hw can i do it
thx 🙂
What is your question Ddumba?
What is your question Ddumba?
Why is it that aman urinats
Why is it that aman urinats after ejaculation,is it asign of impotence?
There is nothing wrong with
There is nothing wrong with urinating after sex. That is not a sign of impotence.
Thnxs for the lectures you
Thnxs for the lectures you give.
You are welcome Derrick.
You are welcome Derrick.
some one told me there is
some one told me there is achance not to have HIV/AIDs when you have unprotected sex with an infected person is it true if yes why & how?
Hi Vagas, that is true but
Hi Vagas, that is true but its also a matter of chance. It is therefore important to always be safe. Find out about your partner status by testing together and always use a condom if you do not know their status.
Is there Arv injection other
Is there Arv injection other the tablets?
No, currently there are only
No, currently there are only tablets.
hi Jane what I know about
hi Jane what I know about some boils along the private part its mostly caused by the items we use to shave with ….since when you shave with that razor once , the second time you use it it causes boils…..from experience……
Thanks for sharing your
Thanks for sharing your experience with us Linda.
apart from condom and abstain
apart from condom and abstain from sex what are other methods used 2 prevent HIv?
Testing together with your
Testing together with your partner and being faithful to each other is a good way of HIV prevention.
A HIV Positive mother accessing medical attention during pregnancy to prevent mother to child transmission is also another way.
Read more here https://lovematters.co.ke/resource/hiv .
hi there,am jst thankful 4 ur
hi there,am jst thankful 4 ur lessons,truly they r meritus to the world.Thx alot**
Thank you for the feedback.
Thank you for the feedback.
how long does it take for
how long does it take for someone who negative to get the virus when u have sex with an infected person?
That’s a matter of chance
That’s a matter of chance Robert. No one knows whether they will be infected or not.
Read more here https://lovematters.co.ke/resource/hiv .
How long does it take to know
How long does it take to know and see the signs of HIV
Hi Richard,
Hi Richard,
One can find out whether they are infected or not by doing a test one month from the time of exposure.
Can HIV affect me in just one
Can HIV affect me in just one day when i have got contact with HIV possitive lady even though am not sure of her?
Yes it can Hadadi, it takes
Yes it can Hadadi, it takes only one exposure for one to contract HIV.
Read more here https://lovematters.co.ke/resource/hiv .
how long can you take to stay
how long can you take to stay with HIV/AIDs & is it true when you take your ARVs regularly the viruses will atlast remain in your finger nails if yes what can ido to my fingers
Hi Vagas,
Hi Vagas,
You can live with HIV all your life. And no its not true that taking ARV’s takes HIV to the finger nails, that is just a myth.
Find out more here https://lovematters.co.ke/resource/hiv .
Is it true that virginial
Is it true that virginial fluids don’t contain Hiv?,because some people say that if u play unprotected sex with agal with too much fluids u can not be infected with the virus
On the contrary, vaginal
On the contrary, vaginal fluid is among the body fluids with hi HIV concentration on an infected person. One should always use protection if they do not know their partners status.
Can you please explain for
Can you please explain for me in details how a hiv virus enters into a body after having unprotected sex?
Check out this document to learn in details https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HIV .
is it true that when
is it true that when uniffected p’son take ARVs the p’son is not easy 2 be affected,,,?? If Yex Y,,??
Hi Symon, the type of drugs
Hi Symon, the type of drugs you are talking about is called PrEP. Which stands for pre exposure prophylaxis that prevents one from getting infected with HIV .
guys jazz mi about d adv ov
guys jazz mi about d adv ov getting circumucised as related 2 Hiv/Aids
Male circumcision in a
Male circumcision in a hospital or clinic setting is shown to reduce the risk of getting HIV from a woman by 50 percent.
I have failed to get pregnant
I have failed to get pregnant.What are good days 2 target such that i can concieve coze am sure h’ve no problem.
Hi Hasifu,
Hi Hasifu,
Check out this article to find out https://lovematters.co.ke/resource/getting-pregnant .
hae guys,can pep work for…
hae guys,can pep work for the second tym after an exposure,i had pep 2 yrs ago,n now that i had an exposure what do i do aki?
Hi John, yes it can work…
Hi John, yes it can work. Visit your medical provider for further advice.
There needs to be more positive commentary and advice on living well with HIV. It is frightening to get an HIV positive diagnosis and there is still much stigma and discrimination. Love Matters can ensure that young people living with HIV are given the right advice including where they can get non-judgementl support. Please admend this page as it is somewhat stigmatising as it is. It would also be good to avoid language such as infect.
Thank you, Emma, for your feedback. Your concerns have been noted and taken to the editorial team for consideration.