Why bad boys are sexy

Why bad boys are sexy

Why do women find bad boys sexy? Harmful behaviors like smoking and drinking make guys attractive as short-term sex partners, according to new research.

Sex when you’re pregnant

Sex when you’re pregnant

What’s it like having sex when you’re pregnant? Fifty women share their experiences of intercourse during pregnancy and after giving birth.

Why your new love is just like your ex

Why your new love is just like your ex

Does your current partner remind you of your ex? Or are the two as different as can be? Recent Canadian research reveals why we choose to date people who are similar to each other – or not at all.

Does Facebook help or harm relationships?

Does Facebook help or harm relationships?

Is Facebook good or bad for your relationship? That all depends on what you’re doing and why you’re doing it, says Dr Gwendolyn Seidman, an expert on how Facebook affects romantic relationships.

Scared to be single? Stay choosy!

Scared to be single? Stay choosy!

Do you worry about being single? Your fears could get in the way of that great relationship you’re hoping for, recent Canadian research shows.

Top reasons young couples break up

Top reasons young couples break up

How is breaking up different when you’re young? Though ending a relationship is tough no matter how old you are, recent Canadian research reveals the most common reasons teens and young adults call it quits.

Female sexual desire ebbs and flows

Female sexual desire ebbs and flows

Do you think a woman’s sex drive stays the same throughout her life or changes over time? If you’re worried about low libido, your answer to this question could make a big difference, Canadian research shows.

Why sex is good for you

Why sex is good for you

Ever wonder why sex is good for you? Recent Canadian research reveals one of the missing links between sleeping with a partner and feeling great.

Top ten worries about sex

Top ten worries about sex

What are your biggest fears about sex? Whether it’s worrying about STIs or fretting over the way your body looks naked, chances are you’re not alone. Read on to find out what men and women are most afraid of when it comes to sex.