Scabies is a very itchy, contagious skin infection caused by the scabies mite.
You get rashes and pimples because of an allergic reaction to the scabies mites’ eggs and faeces.
The good news is that scabies is treatable!
How do you get scabies?
You can get scabies by close body contact, which includes having sex. Another way to get scabies is to share bedding, clothes, or furniture with someone infected with scabies.
Crowded places such as prisons, nursing homes, and child-care facilities are ideal spreading grounds for a scabies infection.
It’s important to be aware that a person infected with scabies can spread it without having any symptoms.
How can you protect yourself against scabies?
1. Stop having sex with someone infected with scabies.
2. Wash bedding, clothing, and other shared items in extremely hot water.
If you share bedding or clothing with an infected person, it’s important to wash these items in extremely hot water, at 60 degree Celsius or hotter. Items that can’t be washed, such as mattresses or cushions, dry clean them or seal them in a plastic bag for at least 72 hours.
In general, scabies mites can’t survive without human skin for more than two to three days.
3. Get treated for scabies infection.
If any member in your household has a scabies infection, seek treatment for it. A scabies infection can be transmitted without a person having symptoms.
What are the signs that you’ve got scabies?
If you’re infected with scabies, you’ll begin to notice symptoms within two to six weeks of getting infected. Sometimes symptoms may appear as quickly as four days after infection.
During this time you can spread the infection to people you live with, sexual partners, or anyone else you’re in close physical contact with. So if you’ve got signs of scabies infection, let these people know so they can seek treatment too.
You get symptoms because of an allergic reaction to scabies mites’ eggs and faeces. At first you may have a mild skin irritation followed by intense itching all over your body. This intense itching is particularly bad at night or after a hot shower or bath.
You may get pimple-like or itchy rashes on areas such as:
- Wrists
- Between fingers
- Elbows
- Armpits
- Penis
- Nipples
- Under the breasts
- Buttocks
- Around the anus
How do you get tested for scabies?
Go to your doctor or nearest health care provider for a diagnosis. They’ll look to see if you have skin rashes in a characteristic scabies pattern. Sometimes they’ll scrape your pimples or rashes and examine the scrapings under a microscope to see if there are mites, eggs, or scabies mite faeces.
How do you get rid of scabies?
Getting rid of scabies involves three steps: medication, washing infected items, and informing any sexual partners or people who’ve come into contact with your clothing and bedding.
And if you still have itching, new burrows, or pimple-like rashes two to four weeks after treatment, you may need to go through this process again.
1. Scabies medication
Washing with ordinary soap won’t make a difference. There are no over-the-counter or non-prescription scabies treatments. So go to your doctor or health care provider if you’ve got scabies symptoms.
Purchase the prescribed scabicide (medication that kills scabies) lotion or cream. Prior to applying it on your body, wash and towel yourself dry. Apply the scabicide all over your body from your neck down to your toes.
If you’re treating infants and children, the scabicides need to also be applied to the face, scalp, and neck area. Leave the treatment on for the recommended time before washing it off.
2. Hot Water Washing
Wash any of your clothes that you wore before getting treatment and any of your bedding in water that’s 60° Celsius or hotter. If you can’t wash your clothes, either dry clean them or seal them in a plastic bag for 72 hours. Do this also with your mattress and pillows. Otherwise, you can become re-infected with scabies.
Without human skin to live in, mites generally don’t survive for more than two to three days.
3. Informing your sexual partners
Tell your sexual partner(s) or anyone else who may have come into contact with your bedding, clothing, or towels to get tested and treated too. Otherwise you could end up getting scabies again.
What is the best sex stay for
What is the best sex stay for a chic? Wonderful job have been learning alot.
Hello Gagga,
Hello Gagga,
that really is up to you to try! Every woman is different, and every woman likes different things. So try with your partner what find out what works best for you. Enjoy!
facing up is the sweetest
facing up is the sweetest styl for a chic
it all depends on the individual likes- everybody is different!
why do most people like
why do most people like having sex?
Hi Kennedy,
Hi Kennedy,
because sex is exciting and fun. It can be really satisfying, and it can be great to connect with your partner intimately. Does this answer your question? Do you have any concerns you would like ti share?
Is there any side effects at
Is there any side effects at your later age if you are used to having frequent sex at your early age??
Hi Barsoi,
Hi Barsoi,
what kind of old age are you talking about? 30, 40, 50, 60?
Is there any side effects at
Is there any side effects at your later age if you are used to having frequent sex at your early age??
Barsoi, can you tell us what
Barsoi, can you tell us what you mean by later age?
should we kiss with our eyes
should we kiss with our eyes open or clossed?
Hi Pure,
Hi Pure,
there is no rule- whatever you prefer!
Hi Alex,
you prefer closed?
Hi Alex,
you prefer closed?
How can i help my partner
How can i help my partner find/discover G-spot?
Hi Walter,
Hi Walter,
check this article: http://lovematters.co.ke/news/g-spot-top-five-facts
How can i assist my partner
How can i assist my partner to discover or finds her G-spot?
Check this out, Walter: http:
Check this out, Walter: http://lovematters.co.ke/news/g-spot-top-five-facts
Am very interested in making
Am very interested in making my wife have an orgasm all the time we make love
how can i avoid ejaculating
how can i avoid ejaculating very fast b4 time 2
Hi Kevo,
Hi Kevo,
It sounds like you are coming earlier than you would like, this often happens to young men who don’t have a lot of sexual experience because they get very aroused very easily. With more sexually experienced men, it might be due to psychological problems, like fear, stress or depression.
Generally though go slow, enjoy the buildup of touching and caressing each other. Make time for oral sex during your physical interactions. Take time focusing on your partner as well as yourself. Communicate together about what feels nice, what doesn’t and what you would like to try together. Experiment, explore and try new things!
Make sure to use lots of lube and switch up the fun. Even if you do orgasm you can take some time to have oral sex with your partner until your body is ready to go again. Change positions and mix it up.
Some people say condoms help them last longer, while others may use cock rings (just make sure it is the right size and not too tight!).
Generally just remember that sex is more than just penetration and there are lots of ways to enjoy each other.
If you are finding that you really cannot maintain an erection then it might be time to see a doctor. There are some medical conditions that can affect your performance but would need to be looked by a professional.
You can also keep masturbating, however challenge yourself to last longer. Go slow, feel the way your body changes when you are getting closer to climax. Tease yourself, find tricks that help you delay the finish.
masturbation has problem ?
masturbation has problem ?
we think masturbation is a normal part of a healthy sex life. Check our many articles for masturbation, for example:
I have married 4 one n half
I have married 4 one n half yr, n we have no kid,shd we go for fertility testing?
Hi Kelvin,
Hi Kelvin,
18 months is still not too bad. Have you calculated the exact point when she is ovulating? It’s important to have sex at the right time to of the month to get pregnant.
I think sex is an exercise .
I think sex is an exercise .
Hi Handsome,
Hi Handsome,
what are you exercising :-)?
My wife has neva experienced
My wife has neva experienced monthly periods eva since she was born.I realized ths last month after two years in marriage wth no child.Can she really get pregnant?
Hi Mike,
Hi Mike,
only a doctor will be able to answer this. Please consult a doctor who can perform tests and give you a better picture.
pls tell me if it’s nomal for
pls tell me if it’s nomal for a man to come before 2 seconds
Hi Osity,
Hi Osity,
that sounds like a case of premature ejaculation.
This is what we usually recommend:
It sounds like you are coming earlier than you would like, this often happens to young men who don’t have a lot of sexual experience because they get very aroused very easily. With more sexually experienced men, it might be due to psychological problems, like fear, stress or depression.
Generally though go slow, enjoy the buildup of touching and caressing each other. Make time for oral sex during your physical interactions. Take time focusing on your partner as well as yourself. Communicate together about what feels nice, what doesn’t and what you would like to try together. Experiment, explore and try new things!
Make sure to use lots of lube and switch up the fun. Even if you do orgasm you can take some time to have oral sex with your partner until your body is ready to go again. Change positions and mix it up.
Some people say condoms help them last longer, while others may use cock rings (just make sure it is the right size and not too tight!).
Generally just remember that sex is more than just penetration and there are lots of ways to enjoy each other.
If you are finding that you really cannot maintain an erection then it might be time to see a doctor. There are some medical conditions that can affect your performance but would need to be looked by a professional.
You can also keep masturbating, however challenge yourself to last longer. Go slow, feel the way your body changes when you are getting closer to climax. Tease yourself, find tricks that help you delay the finish.
i have been staying with my
i have been staying with my wife for more than two years but she is not getting pregnant .but the problem is that she was using family planing pill for more than ten years .is she going to get pregnant
Hi Snipper,
Hi Snipper,
are you having sex around the time of her ovulation? That’s really important.
And having been on the pill for a while might mean that it take a bit longer to get pregnant, but it shouldn’t affect her for longer than a few months.
If the problem persists, please see a doctor together.
How long show normal sex last
How long show normal sex last before ejaculation. I take 30 to 40 minutes, is it normal.
Hi there,
Hi there,
It depends. Each person will have a different threshold for sex. It depends on your body, your partners body and a mix of age, health, stamina, endurance and desire. Generally speaking sex will be 5-15 min but that is just a ballpark.
Generally speaking as long as you want it and it feels good, do it. Stop when you are done, tired, or are no longer in the mood.
juz need a sex partner
juz need a sex partner
Hi Kervine,
Hi Kervine,
keep looking, you will find one, I’m sure!
how do you turn someone on?
how do you turn someone on?
how do you turn someone on?
how do you turn someone on?
Hi Vincent,
Hi Vincent,
have a look here: http://lovematters.co.ke/resource/her
I am a man looking for
I am a man looking for relationship woman below age 22.
email: [email protected]
Hi Miggno,
Hi Miggno,
sorry, we can’t help you with that!
What can i use to make my
What can i use to make my vagine small
Hi Lucy,
Hi Lucy,
have a look here:
my chick wets too much when
my chick wets too much when in bed. is this a problem?
No, it’s a really good thing!
No, it’s a really good thing!
It means that she is very aroused, and ready for sex. It won’t be painful for her.
am aman looking 4 awoman
am aman looking 4 awoman below thirty years
Hi Shafi,
Hi Shafi,
sorry, we can’t help with that!
how can I have a big penis
how can I have a big penis
Smat boy,
Smat boy,
other than through dangerous surgery, there is no way you can change the size of your penis.
Don’t believe in the claims of creams, herbs, pills, etc- they won’t make a difference!
when making love, is it a
when making love, is it a must that you do sex
Ah, great question, Moreen!
Ah, great question, Moreen!
Making love is often used instead of the word sex. And sex often stands for intercourse. But those are all words. If making love for you means kissing in cuddling, then this is what it is.
Hae,hw can a contrl ma fst
Hae,hw can a contrl ma fst erectn?n hw can a make ma ledy feel soo aroused untlil she wets?
have you checked out this section?
I feel like having sex wit my
I feel like having sex wit my ex hw do I go abt it
Are you sure? That’s not always the best idea…
If you are sure, give him a call, meet him, and hint to get a feel if he is up for it!
is what makes sex love.
is what makes sex love.
Thanks for sharing your
Thanks for sharing your thoughts
I lyk ur lessonx
I lyk ur lessonx
Thanks, Dude.
Thanks, Dude.
hey,i have neva had sex wit
hey,i have neva had sex wit my boyfriend( infact al through my life ) and we hv been dating 4 three yrs now,i dnt seems to undstand whats happening to me cause i do hv urgue at times eve when am alone and i try give in for my boyfriend to make love to me but i find it diffcult to allow it….The question is :why am i having such urgue but scared to allow him make love to me?
Maybe something deep inside of you is shying away from it? Like so many people believe that you should wait until you are married?
How do I arouse him?
How do I arouse him?
Sex is about communication.
Nobody can except you to magically know what he likes, so you will need to ask.
what is the difference
what is the difference between love making and sex
Ah, that’s a really good
Ah, that’s a really good question.
To put it briefly, sex is the act- whether oral, vaginal or anal.
Making love has a more emotional aspect to it- connecting with your partner.
This might not be the case for everybody, and some people may completely disagree! What do you think the main difference is?
does oral sex hv effect to
does oral sex hv effect to the lady?
Giving or receiving?
Giving or receiving?
Is it wise to make love when
Is it wise to make love when she is on her period?
As long as both her partner
As long as both her partner and her are okay with it, nothing speaks against it!
hae love matters,i wanna
hae love matters,i wanna satisfy mah gux sexually yet i don want to have intercourse with him,he doesnt mind hand job buh i really want him satisfied,and i cannot bj.Wat shld i do to satisfy him.Pliz help
Hey there,
Hey there,
have you asked him about what you could do? You could try outercourse:
am a virgin, 20yrs old. i
am a virgin, 20yrs old. i have got a man whom i really love. i now hav feelings to feel a real woman but he keeps on telling me that i should wait until on our wedding day. . .what should i du? or does it mean he has no feelngs for that now?
I think it actually sounds like he is quite caring. Talk to him. See why he thinks that way, and see if you guys can come up with a solution that works for both of you!
how long does it take for a
how long does it take for a lady to reach orgasm
it depends. Just like you will not take the same amount of time every time you have sex, the same applies to women. And if varies from woman to woman, too. Some are faster, some slower.
But, generally, it takes women longer than men. An estimation is about 20 minutes, but again, it depends.
when am aroused for sure i
when am aroused for sure i feel lyk having sex bt i dont enjoy when doing it
sorry, we aren’t quite sure from your name, but are you a man or a woman? That will help us to answer.
hi i’m 24 yr virgin man who
hi i’m 24 yr virgin man who is ready to help me out of this hard time ladies pliz
Good luck, Vincent.
Good luck, Vincent.
y do i always feel pain when
y do i always feel pain when hvng sex?
many women unfortunately have that problem.
Check what our expert has to say about that:
rght from the start mi huisi
rght from the start mi huisi uchungu hadi vile atarelease,then after sex mi huisi ni kama kuna vidonda around my pussy…y
You are most likely not wet
You are most likely not wet enough. Make sure you are very aroused, or use extra lube.
my doesnt copperate wen we hv
my doesnt copperate wen we hv sex she jst quiet, my quiz is am i nt satisfy her or she iz nt gd in bed?
have you asked her if she is satisfied? Sex is about communication as much as it is about the actual act
how can i approach a girl n
how can i approach a girl n make sure that she wont embarrass me on any decision?
Reaching out to people that you are attracted to can be difficult because of the fear of being rejected. However, they are no different than how would approach a friend, family or other person. The initial hello and coming up with small talk is the same idea except the person is front of you is attractive.
The best way to do this when you are nervous is to talk to people who share interest. Do they go to school with you? Are they working? Did you meet them at the movies? This way there is already a commonality between you an it gives you the first conversation topic. Find other people who like what you like and try to mingle from there.
Otherwise, just be honest. Tell them who you are, why you approached the (they said something smart, they like the same team, you find them beautiful etc) and then build the conversation from there. Tell them about yourself, and ask questions about them. You are attracted to them and ideally as you learn more about them you will become interested in them.
Everyone has nerves and the girls know that. They will be flattered that you even tried to reach out and talk.
when am not with him i feel
when am not with him i feel like doing bt when he is around kissn n touchn am always bored…y
Are you missing something,
Are you missing something, Cate?
datx true
datx true
We are glad to hear that,
We are glad to hear that, Mary.
whenever am alone i always
whenever am alone i always feel like hvn sex…bt the moment ameniekelea mkono najipata 2 nimeboeka…. y
Hmmm. Maybe he doesn’t
Hmmm. Maybe he doesn’t satisfy you? Have you tried telling him what you want and need?
Sometimes when my fiancee`
Sometimes when my fiancee` asks me how many times did I come……I just can’t count.Plz help me,how do I notice that Now I’m coming 🙂
Zee, honey, are you sure you
Zee, honey, are you sure you are actually having orgasms? Because you should be able to tell when you had an orgasm?
She’s a liar bt i love her
She’s a liar bt i love her what shuld i do
Well, let’s face it,
Well, let’s face it, everybody lies. It really depends what she lies about- big things, or little things? Do you trust her? Do you think she can change? Have you talked to her about this?
just face it after all u will
just face it after all u will regreat…..a good idea
Thanks for your comment.
Thanks for your comment.
I haven’t had a problem in
I haven’t had a problem in making love, i always satisfy every woman i sleep with. Hello my girlfriend gets orgasm like 3 times before I get one am i ok
Good for them, Alexander.
Why do you think you are not okay, Alexander? Because it takes you a while to orgasm?
Hi those who ejaculate fast,
Hi those who ejaculate fast, the problem is you focus alot on pumping so that you can ejaculate, you should take off your mind when you feel the sperms coming
Thanks for sharing your tip,
Thanks for sharing your tip, Alexander.
i lk this
i lk this
We are glad to hear that!
We are glad to hear that!
Thnks 4 advice..sex inazidi
Thnks 4 advice..sex inazidi kuwa tamu
I stay up to one hour while
I stay up to one hour while having sex, it that a problem?
Not really a problem, but
Not really a problem, but your partner may experience dryness and pain if sex lasts too long.
Try to have lots and lots of foreplay, so you are very aroused by the time you start having sex.
why do I feel very painful
why do I feel very painful inside my vagina when I want to have sex the second round?
that’s most likely due to dryness.
Make sure you are wet before you start again, or use extra lubrication.
Hw is semen of men helpful to
Hw is semen of men helpful to women’s body
it isn’t really, and most of it drips out of the vagina after sex anyway.
I find it difficult
I find it difficult
when my man wants me to b on
him I don’t know how to start and sometimes I fill shy to be on him
you should be talking to him about this. Sex is about communication. And you, as a couple, need to find ways to talk about it, and to talk about what you like and what you don’t like. Only then can sex really become good and satisfying for both of you.
I love it.
I love it.
i hv bn in a reletionship 4 1
i hv bn in a reletionship 4 1 year bt ma chik refuse 2 hv xexs weneva we ar in da process
have you asked her why she refuses?
Let her be on top and then
Let her be on top and then make her do it herself surely u will enjoy it,,,,,
That’s also a good approach.
That’s also a good approach.
Hi, I have questions to ask:
Hi, I have questions to ask:
1. whenever I think about my first x . I feel like I made a mistake in letting her go, on contrary at times I felt she also hurt me by dumping me . what should I do ? I have been after her for a while she doesn’t seem to give me back the trust and attention she had before.
2. I really feel shy after making love and sex .
3. I often masturbate whenever I feel like doing sex and this would be 12th year will it interfere with my future sexual ability and sperm count?
4. I am often hurt mostly when I approach a lady and expresses my emotions and concerns to her and she takes no heed about in return just keep quiet and no positive response advice.
5. Lastly how do you realise she loves you for real?
1. once trust has been broken
1. once trust has been broken, it is really difficult to gain it back. Time and patience, along with openness and honesty, would be the only way to go.
2. is that always the case, or only with new partners?
3, no, absolutely not.
4. take your time before telling women how you feel about them. Try to start feeling out gently if they maybe like you back, before proclaiming your love to them.
5. only time will tell. But you can look for signs- does she introduce you to her friends, does she make plans for the future with you, and so on.
i have my girlfrend and we
i have my girlfrend and we love each other bt she refused to hav sex with me.how can i hv asistance?
have you asked her why she doesn’t want to have sex with you? You will need to accept her decision. Have you tried masturbation to ease the urge?
i keep loosing the mood of
i keep loosing the mood of having sex immediately after arousing each other so much with my partner ….could this be a problem
Hello there,
Hello there,
is it that he is not doing anything that excites you?
at what interval should you
at what interval should you have sex.
that is totally up to you and your partner. As often or as little as you both would like too
not bd really
not bd really
What’s not too bad?
What’s not too bad?
I don’t no my problem every
I don’t no my problem every time I think of having sex
That’s quiet normal,
That’s quiet normal, especially when you are young, aren’t having a lot of sex, or are sexually inexperienced.
Lets say u have sex wid a
Lets say u have sex wid a posite opponent n den u stop havin sex for a time,n den u came a cross wid a negative opponent n u av sex wid har, wil da virus dat da positive opponent had shared u will regrow? Koz as hao av don some resuarch hiv virus get mo regrowin wen u endup sharin sex wid positive opponent.
we believe what you mean is super-infection. When a person who is positive gets infected with another strain of the virus.
But that is only a risk if two infected people have unprotected sex with each other- it doesn’t have anything to do with someone who is negative.
Are we understanding your question right?
i am a one minitue man..and
i am a one minitue man..and its hard to stay on top of game can u recommend viagra
Absolutely not, and viagra
Absolutely not, and viagra won’t help anyway! Viagra is used to treat erectile dysfunction, not premature ejaculation.
Have a look at this article, Omondi, it will should help you much more: https://lovematters.co.ke/news/how-overcome-premature-ejaculation
and where can i get a
and where can i get a desensitiser.
Try the chemist.
Try the chemist.
But before you try that, try the other things first.
does it require prescription?
does it require prescription?
have you tried all the other things described in the article?
can ae get a lovr hia
can ae get a lovr hia
Sorry Kevo, can’t help you
Sorry Kevo, can’t help you with that!
yes but iam not getting any
yes but iam not getting any results
It takes time and patience.
It takes time and patience.
Going for a quick fix might help you in the short term, but it won’t improve things in the long run.
i realy have difficulties
i realy have difficulties with the other tips.
Have you tried masturbating
Have you tried masturbating and delaying ejaculation for as long as you can?
Or masturbating before having sex?
yes and for a long time but
yes and for a long time but still i cant beat the one minitue in having sex
Omondi, you need to be
Omondi, you need to be patient.
Have sex for 30 seconds and take a break, then start again until you get close- then stop again. See how long you can repeat that.
okey but maybe we can go
okey but maybe we can go private i will still need that cream
Then give it a try!
Then give it a try!
i lov sex alot, could this be
i lov sex alot, could this be a problem……???
No, that’s totally okay!
No, that’s totally okay!
i have a penise size of 5
i have a penise size of 5 inch when erect is it k to make some one satisfied.
Absolutely! And keep in mind
Absolutely! And keep in mind that the size doesn’t really matter. What matters much more is that you pay plenty of attention to her clitoris.
thanks 4the gud teaching keep
thanks 4the gud teaching keep up.
Great, thanks Sylvia!
Great, thanks Sylvia!
kindly explain wat t means by
kindly explain wat t means by a lady having an organism
an orgasm is the final release of pleasure during sex. Women often need to have their clitoris stimulated to get there.
Does this help?
every moment I go to bed with
every moment I go to bed with someone when he starts doing sex I feel itz painfull n I can’t continue doing n I just loose intrest wat the problem???
are you very aroused and wet when he starts? That’s the best to avoid pain!
wao gd job
wao gd job
true you have abing pains
true you have abing pains
why do men ejaculate ata
why do men ejaculate ata without doing sex
We are not quite sure what
We are not quite sure what you mean. Do you mean outside the vagina?
There is a girl I love soo
There is a girl I love soo much but she on her side don’t even see That love , she takes like a joke. how should I do 4 her to realise that am sirious.
sit down with her and tell her again. And when she makes a joke of it, tell her that you are really serious and would like to get a serious answer out of her.
I had unsafe sex and am
I had unsafe sex and am afraid of Hiv Aids?
Dear Jim,
Dear Jim,
please get tested at a VCT near you six weeks and three months after you had unprotected sex. This way, you will know and you can stop worrying.
I had unsafe sex and am
I had unsafe sex and am afraid of Hiv Aids?
my girl does not like other
my girl does not like other sex positions only facing up or down what can i do.
have you asked her why she doesn’t like it?
can oral sex transmitt hiv?
can oral sex transmitt hiv?
The risk for that is very,
The risk for that is very, very low.
However, if one of you is positive, it’s best to use dental dams and condoms when you have oral sex.
wat is the right tym 4 having
wat is the right tym 4 having sex daytym or night?
There is no right time-
There is no right time- whatever you and your partner prefer.
i love girlfriend now my
i love girlfriend now my contact lz +256755847125
Sorry, we can’t help you with
Sorry, we can’t help you with that.
How can i be pefct by making
How can i be pefct by making luv?
By talking to your partner.
By talking to your partner.
Talking is as important to sex as the actual act. Nobody is a magician and just knows what his or her partner wants. You need to ask.
explain about those safe days
explain about those safe days plz..
there is no such thing as safe days.
It’s true that during every cycle, there are days were a woman can’t get pregnant. But it differs from woman to woman and month to month when these days are. And you need to factor in that sperm can survive in the body for quite a while.
In general, the first few days before and after menstruation have a low risk of pregnancy, while the time around ovulation has the highest risk.
Au can I convince ma galfred
Au can I convince ma galfred tu make love since she claims tu b painful while breaking da membrane,,,
it sounds like she isn’t ready yet, so you shouldn’t be pushing her.
Be gentle, start with caressing each other, and maybe oral sex, but hold off the sex until she is relaxed and ready- that might take a few months though, if it happens.
Im want to have sex with my
Im want to have sex with my partner for the first tym bt im shy i juss think my body is nt perfectt
no body is perfect and that’s okay! You are beautiful and unique just the way you are, even if this is not the way ‘traditional beauty’ is portrait.
Your partner likes you because of who you are, and I am sure that some imperfections won’t matter in the whole picture!
how can you make your girl to
how can you make your girl to while far with you
Sorry, we don’t quite
Sorry, we don’t quite understand what you are asking, Kevin!
Av bn friends with a guy for
Av bn friends with a guy for more than a year then we started havn sex..I asks him if he loves me he doesn’t want to say that yet but he cares abt me more than anu other girl… On my side I dont think I love him but I still stick around..Advice
as long as you are both okay with the situation, there is nothing wrong with casual sex.
Make sure you have sex with consent and contraception, and then enjoy!
my partner takes even an hour
my partner takes even an hour b4 ejaculation.is it normal
that’s still within the range of normal.
Spend more time on foreplay if you want to speed things up
why do men go out of marriage
why do men go out of marriage yet they are newly married?
that’s a really good question, and there is no answer for it. Everybody will have a reason for it, and it won’t be the same one for everybody.
I love sex but my lover hates
I love sex but my lover hates it.I have suffered alot.so I need a fuckmate
Have you talked to your
Have you talked to your partner about this? You need to make sure you do, because cheating will only make things worse.
I am a man looking for a
I am a man looking for a sugar mama just for sexual satisfaction.whatsapp 0706167942
sorry, but we can’t help you with that.
ma wife don’t come while
ma wife don’t come while making love is that a problem?
are you paying plenty of attention to her clitoris? That’s the small ‘button’ right at the entrance to her vagina. Most women can’t orgasm from intercourse alone; they need clitoral stimulation.
Try to use your fingers to very gently rub it next time you have sex- but be very, very gentle, it’s a very sensitive spot.
does anus produce a lubricant
does anus produce a lubricant during anal sex ?
No, that’s why using lots and
No, that’s why using lots and lots of lubricant is important.
now is like mwezi moja n am
now is like mwezi moja n am cicmishi k
now is like mwezi moja n am
now is like mwezi moja n am cicmishi kawida even in the morning
What could be the problem wth
What could be the problem wth one dryng up during intercourse….n is there a remedy for this?
it could be that sex lasts too long, or that she is just not that aroused anymore.
If the second is not the problem, store-bought lubricants can help!
Yes.. Hv read comments here
Yes.. Hv read comments here and big up love matters u have made me learn samthing i ddnt knew. My querry is dat i do sex successfly and get satsfied bt aftr two days i becames so hot and mises woman again. Now aftr getting her atmost i goes two rounds.. How can u advice me to do for that feelings nt to be coming back. I want to liv atlst 3 to 6 months atlest i spare my partner coz hav not yet married her to my house bt sex hav become an addict between me and her. Help me plz.
Wanting sex every few days does not make you an addict. It’s normal.
If you want to have sex less often, try other things. (Mutual) masturbation, oral sex, outercourse… And see if you get as much pleasure from it!
hi hw do i concetrte in sex
hi hw do i concetrte in sex 4long da felin only lasts 2-3min den i los focus am losin ma guy
Have you tried mixing it up
Have you tried mixing it up with different positions, speed, etc. ?
love matters can u please
love matters can u please find me a sex partner who can make me feel alive
Sorry, Billy, we can’t help
Sorry, Billy, we can’t help with that!
My wife likes it when i go
My wife likes it when i go down her ie licking her vagina then is it safe to do it after having sex? or is there any effect?if no what can i do so that i can lick it for her?
don’t worry, it’s absolutely safe!
i have been making love to my
i have been making love to my patner bt she doesnt came up to fast wat should i do?
Women generally need more
Women generally need more time then men.
How much time have you been spending on foreplay? The more aroused she is, the better. Also, pay plenty of attention to her clitoris.
I take long to orgasm or
I take long to orgasm or sometimes no and feels pain after sex pls help
I take long to orgasm or
I take long to orgasm or sometimes no and feels pain after sex pls help
the pain could be related, due to friction and overuse.
How much time are you spending on foreplay? The more aroused you are once you start having sex, the quicker you should ejaculate.
I have a problem with my wife
I have a problem with my wife she doesn’t lyk having romance before going for sex and I fil am not comfortable with that how can you help me coz it takes me a short tym in having sex.
have you talked to her about this? Have you asked her why she doesn’t like it? Good sex is about good communication, and unless you can discuss these things with each other, you need to start working on it!
make love with right person
make love with right person at perfect time
hi making love , is addict to
hi making love , is addict to porn afftect one own sexual desire .
Sorry, we don’t seem to
Sorry, we don’t seem to understand your question.
Hi , i like licking is it
Hi , i like licking is it safe.
As long as both you and your
As long as both you and your partner are healthy, it’s safe. To be super-safe, you can use condoms and dental dams.
I want my penis to stay
I want my penis to stay strong and big
up to 24hrs When making love
24 hours???
24 hours???
Nobody can take dick for 24
Nobody can take dick for 24 hours! You’ll just be swinging it all over the place as you go about your other business. Lol
when having intimacy i emit
when having intimacy i emit so soon what should i do.
Have you checked our article on how to overcome premature ejaculation?
my partner hv failed to have
my partner hv failed to have for an yr can i leave her?
Morgan have you tried to talk
Morgan have you tried to talk to your partner why that is happening?
my partner loved me very much
my partner loved me very much before but from the first day we had sex,he gives no more attention to me but if he sees with male friends he feels more jealous.Does it mean he still loves me?
Hi Divan Jealousy is normally
Hi Divan Jealousy is normally a sign someone has certain feelings for you. You should talk to him and actually tell him how you feel and try get to the bottom of this issue.
hi? am a man, almost 22 and
hi? am a man, almost 22 and still single though I badly need a girlfriend. is there anything wrong with me?
For now just masturbate. You
For now just masturbate. You will figure it out.
Tom what will masturbation
Tom what will masturbation help him in figuring out?
Maasturbation helps reduce
Maasturbation helps reduce desperation for one and makes you make intelligent relationship decisions. After jerking off you realise you want a girl. Not need one. Hence feeling less insufficient and complaining over it.
Hi, the question is are you
Hi, the question is are you single by choice or you don’t know how to approach a lady? if its not by choice you need to read this and get some tips https://lovematters.co.ke/news/lesson-seduction
He doesn’t know how to do it
He doesn’t know how to do it i mean how to lick ma honey pot. he does it using his teeth which hurts me. what should i do or how do i tell him without making him feel bad.
Ouch, sorry for that Tasha.
Ouch, sorry for that Tasha. Communication is key in every relationship. You only need to politely and lovingly tell him what you enjoy and what you don’t. Give him instructions during the act, teach him how to do it.
I liked safe sex with my ex
I liked safe sex with my ex but now my current gf is complaining that the cd is very painful when we use so it forces me to release out. . . Can this be safe and how can her problem be solved?
Hi Wesonga, one of the
Hi Wesonga, one of the reasons she could be feeling pain when using condoms its because of lack of lubrication. You could try to use lubrication like K Y jelly to see if it helps. On withdrawal as a method of contraceptive you can read more here https://lovematters.co.ke/news/withdrawal-myths-busted
i hv brk up wid a guy yet he
i hv brk up wid a guy yet he snd me luv msg.It draws ma attention on him again.bt he has a different gal so wat shd i do plz help
Hi Pearly, its easy to be
Hi Pearly, its easy to be drawn in back into a relationship after a break up .If you have made your mind up you need to cut all forms of communication with him even if that means blocking his number. You need to give yourself time to move on. Read some more here to know how to get over your Ex https://lovematters.co.ke/news/getting-over-your-ex-dos-and-donts
Please i need love sms i can
Please i need love sms i can i get
Sorry Nahashon but we don’t
Sorry Nahashon but we don’t send love SMS. You could contact your mobile service provider and they could connect you with one of those services.
what can u do so that u take
what can u do so that u take long b4 releasing at first round?
Hi Shebe, do you have a
Hi Shebe, do you have a problem with premature ejaculation? Read this article it will help answer your question https://lovematters.co.ke/news/premature-ejaculation-top-five-facts .
i hav agal lover we love
i hav agal lover we love ourselves but i feel like 2 hav sex with her but she tells me she doesn’t want so hw can i convince her 2 hav sex with me?
Hi Jethero,
Hi Jethero,
Thanks for your question. Relationships are about much more than just sex. If your girl is not ready for sex then you should consider until when she’s ready. Use this time to know each other more and get closure emotionally. All the best to both of you.
love mekin lv wit ma bf bt
love mekin lv wit ma bf bt hes too rough .wats da cause
Hi Helen, talk to him and
Hi Helen, talk to him and tell him what you prefer. Sex with communication is better.
I have two gf who r very
I have two gf who r very close friends. they have agreed to share me at the same tym. is it safe to make love to two chicks simulitanously?
Hi Clinton ,
Hi Clinton ,
as long as all three of you are healthy there is no problem.
I hv 2 boyfriends in
I hv 2 boyfriends in different places..my real one we’v been dating for 6yrs.n this new 1 3weeks d problm is tht this new one is doing his best in bed I cud go 4more thn 3rounds.bt my bt with my bf I dnt enjy I rather gt bored whn he wnt us2hv sex.plz hlp
Hi Bianca, thanks for writing
Hi Bianca, thanks for writing to us.
When it comes to relationship and sex things can get complicated as the years go by. What i mean is sex with a new partner is mostly adventurous and exciting. but as the ears progress the excitement reduces. so its up to the partner to keep the sex spiced up. So you need to take time to decide if you will continue cheating or you will stop and work on your relationship.
Good afternoon n happy easter
Good afternoon n happy easter weekend to u…I met this guy n ws madly inlv with him n we took d r/ship to d nxt level.we often making lv n I enjy every minute of it I even call him to cum ova to my place so tht we cn make lv..I lv sex this days n gt wet fast is thr a problem?I even finger myslf whn my bf is nt here or if he cnt cum.isit normal to lv sex lik this?
Hi there,There is nothing
Hi there,There is nothing wrong with that.You are just enjoying quality sex. so stop worrying.
its nomal u have no problem
its nomal u have no problem
wen am making love with my bf
wen am making love with my bf i reach orgasm even wen am not wet is it ok
what could be the normally color of a woman’s vagina, because a friend of mine said hers is red and yet for others is black and she is scared. help us
Hi Nataraj, women’s vaginas
Hi Nataraj, women’s vaginas are different, not all get the same kind of wetness or are the same color. The same way men’s penis are not the same it applies also to women , so that is nothing to worry about.
Am married and given birth to
Am married and given birth to twins, my husband told me now if he wnt to mk love to me de desire he has for me goes away. Wat can I do to help him?
Hi Mag, If you find out what
Hi Mag, If you find out what makes him get turned off from sex with you, it will be easy to find a solution for it.
a girl ave dated for 4months
a girl ave dated for 4months visited from far and we had sex.i love her much and no intention of wasting her but just was surprised she had 3 orgasm thus enjoyed but i didnt like her vag.she’s very slim but vag very big which although did my part i didnt enjoy fully.wanna marry her but wonder if life ud be enjoyable.advice
Hi Natty, you need to find
Hi Natty, you need to find out what you did not enjoy about the sex, it sounds as though you were more concerned about pleasing her and forgot to please yourself. If you were able to make her climax then the size of her vagina is not the issue. You should talk to her about this and teach her how to please you.
is the anyway i can help ma
is the anyway i can help ma bf with the premature ejaculation
Hi Tasha, check out this
Hi Tasha, check out this article it will give you all the information you need on premature ejaculation https://lovematters.co.ke/news/premature-ejaculation-top-five-facts .
I lv to have sexy all the
I lv to have sexy all the time what can I do with my gf
Hi there, what do you mean
Hi there, what do you mean exactly?
when i mek love wthout a
when i mek love wthout a condom…n its done i get a terrible burning sensation in my vagina..is this sti or wht.?..n can i get pregnant wth ths condition?
Hi Zelda, it could be a sign
Hi Zelda, it could be a sign of an infection and yes you can still get pregnant even with an infection. You need to visit the doctor as soon as possible.
Hey my problem is i have
Hey my problem is i have never hard an orgasm.i get wet n i enjoy sex but i don’t know what is wrong with me.is this normal?
Hi Maureen, getting an orgasm
Hi Maureen, getting an orgasm is one of the key things in sex and it should not be normal for one not to have orgasm. You should be able to talk to your partner to try and resolve this . Check out this article to learn more https://lovematters.co.ke/resource/talking-about-sex .
Hi am 22yrs not married but i
Hi am 22yrs not married but i tried to get lover the first stollen ma items and she told me that she is preg but with not ma child
Thanks for sharing your story
Thanks for sharing your story with us. Do you have a question that you would like assistance with?
i wuz havin secks and now
i wuz havin secks and now mypeeepeee hurt
Hi Bone,
Hi Bone,
If the pain persists for long its best you seek medical attention for assistance.
Hi..Me and my girlfriend love
Hi..Me and my girlfriend love each other very much but when it comes to love making..it becomes worse…she complains that I have a big dick and it hurts her alot.what should I do…?dump her or???
Hi Jaymo, that is an issue
Hi Jaymo, that is an issue that you need to work together with your partner. Check out this article https://lovematters.co.ke/resource/talking-about-sex .
hi love matters,you do great
hi love matters,you do great job by answering questions but i have acompliment as well,try to answer aquestion in search away that whoever has asked gets satisfied for example ,someone asks…..what can ido to my girlfriend to convince her in order to have sex with her…….then you answer that …wait until the time shell be ready forsex…that sex is all about communication……do you think that is an answer?for such aquestion i suugest that you try to give various ways or tips that aguy can do to her gf …..even if theyll fail
Hi there, thanks for sharing
Hi there, thanks for sharing your thoughts. Love matters strives to give factual and credible information to all our clients.
When one asks that question for example, you need to realise there are two parties involved. If one wants something and the other does not, then it comes down to sacrifice and compromise.
When you talk about sex very person has the right to say no for their own personal reasons.
We don’t give tricks or lies to people to use against other people.
Hope you understand.
Have a small thing how can
Have a small thing how can fuck till she fill it
Hi Mash, its never about the
Hi Mash, its never about the size. Sex is about communication. Find out what she likes and how she like it and try to provide that and let her do the same.
hi I Have a gf whom we strtd
hi I Have a gf whom we strtd dating two yrs ago and the last time we have sex she told me tat she was filling painfull when she urinate …..so help me bcoz i dnt knw wht hppn since she has kept silent abt hvng sex agn
Hi Harri, you should probably
Hi Harri, you should probably suggest that you visit a clinic together for testing. That sounds like a sign of an infection.
i have this girl whenever we
i have this girl whenever we have sex like after the first round i take long to resume with the second round and yet wn with others i resume fast. what could be the problem?
Hi Park, this sounds like a
Hi Park, this sounds like a psychological problem. If it works with one person and not the next, then you need to think about what is different and then work on it.
Glad that you like it.
Glad that you like it.
Hi I have a girlfriend we’ve
Hi I have a girlfriend we’ve dated for 3years,I found out that she cheated on me an I trusted her,I find it difficult to love her fully and trust her because I feel as if she might do it again in future when we are married, what can I do?
Hi Willz,
Hi Willz,
sorry that you had to go through that. Cheating can deal a great blow to any relationship. If you have decide to forgive her and move on its up to her to earn your trust back. Talk about it and fin ways on how she can do that.
Check out this article to find out https://lovematters.co.ke/news/cheating-top-five-facts .
My father n mother in law
My father n mother in law didn’t like me to marry their daughter,but the girl loves me I too love her,so do I av to do ?
Hi Prosper,
Hi Prosper,
A relationship is between two people who have mutual feelings and understanding toward each other.
The parents approval is an added advantage but sometimes you cannot get everything aligned. If you want to be together you can make it work. Hopefully some day you just might get their approval. But don’t let that keep you away from happiness.
There is this lady I date. We
There is this lady I date. We have never met we only speak via fone. And I have a kid with another lady. My QN in when is the right time.to tell her I have a kid??? Or should I tell her via fone??? Should I wait until we meet?? When is the right time to tell your boy or girlfriend that you have a kid???
You just need to make sure
You just need to make sure you know her well enough to know how she thinks about dating men with children . You can asses her and find what you feel is the right time for you to tell her.
wen eva i wnt 2 hv sex ad der
wen eva i wnt 2 hv sex ad der is little distractin i usualy feel lost in mood ad d next day i wil b afraid of avin sex again. Pls hep me
Hi ladi, that is normal for
Hi ladi, that is normal for most people.
Check this article to find out more https://lovematters.co.ke/news/four-signs-you-have-erectile-dysfunction .
I hv a boyfriend nd we hv
I hv a boyfriend nd we hv dated almost 7yrs now nd i told him to go nd see my family for marriage bt he refused so pls wat is problem dat he don’t wat to go..Pls help me.we love each other
Hi Sandra,
Hi Sandra,
That would be a difficult question to answer since he’s the one with the answer to that question.
Have you asked him why he does not want to go?
I have a girlfriend, we have
I have a girlfriend, we have dated for 4 years but everytime we do sex she feels pain and she doesnt enjoiy en i dont too, what should we do?? I try to arouse her, kissing , touching and liking her pussy but to no avail. We at sometimes use lubricants but nothing changes
Hi there,
Hi there,
Check out this article to find out https://lovematters.co.ke/news/sex-supposed-be-painful .
nini it a happen ukitumia
nini it a happen ukitumia soap kaa lubricant ukimasturbate….
Kama wewe ni chali hio ni
Kama wewe ni chali hio ni sawa. Lakini kama wewe ni Dame inaeza leta shida since haufai kutumia sabuni ndani ya sehemu ya uzazi.
Fap game yako itakuwa juu tu
Fap game yako itakuwa juu tu sana juu,1st thing utakuwa na stick ingine safi kupita kiwango, second ukiongezea na arimis petroleum jelly itakuwa smooth na itanuka freshi sana yenye hakuna mtu ataweza suspect kitu ulikuwa ukifanya. Hadi wife.
Thanks for your input .
Thanks for your input .
I am a boy, and i am addicted
I am a boy, and i am addicted to masturbation. Pls help.
Check out this article Doka
Check out this article Doka to find out more on what you can do https://lovematters.co.ke/news/cant-stop-masturbating .
hello, i have two boyfriends
hello, i have two boyfriends in different places my real one we,’ve been dating for 4years now, and dis new one is just 3weeks, d problem is dat my real boyfriend na find out dat i have other guy, now there is a big problem, he’s very angry dat he doesn’t want to forgive me, please what will i do to make him trust me again, i can’t live without him.
All that you can do just give
All that you can do just give the man time but dont stop tolking to him even if he does not saying back to you sometime just ask him for something that he likes a lot for you to do for him its what I think
Thanks for your input Bernard
Thanks for your input Bernard.
Hi Beauty,
Hi Beauty,
Sorry that you are going through that. But unless you feel you can do something about it, the truth is the ball is on his hands whether he wants to forgive you or not. Unfortunately trust is lost more easily than it is gained.
Take time to reflect on this whole situation and decide what you want to do about it.
I dnt av sex with anygirl for
I dnt av sex with anygirl for the past 2 years and am now 23years old pls can that affect me pls i need ur help
There is nothing wrong with
There is nothing wrong with having sex. Catholic priests and monks live a life of celibacy, meaning they live their whole lives as virgins.
i have a dating Problem
i have a dating Problem
What is the problem Felix?
What is the problem Felix?
I have dated my girl friend
I have dated my girl friend for over 2year en we hv kept on romousing and evn kissing has happened once bt i prefer to also have sex with her what can i do.
Hi Moses check out this
Hi Moses check out this article to find out https://lovematters.co.ke/resource/speak .
I like like love this
I like like love this
We are glad you do Lucky.
We are glad you do Lucky.
Hi need man to satisfy me
Hi need man to satisfy me what can l do
Hi there,
Hi there,
Have you had partners who have been able to satisfy you before? If so all you nee to do is get one and show you how they can satisfy you. All the best to you.
You must have the rockiest
You must have the rockiest morning wood, my friend
Thanks for sharing your
Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
hi everyone.
hi everyone.
can masturbation prevent me from having children if I marry?
Hi there,
Hi there,
Masturbation cannot make you infertile that is just a myth. Find out more here https://lovematters.co.ke/news/masturbation-myths-busted .
Hi,can excessive masturbation
Hi,can excessive masturbation cause production of premature sperms? What r the consequences of masturbation ?
Hi Steve,
Hi Steve,
Those are just myths. Find out about masturbation here https://lovematters.co.ke/resource/masturbation .
Hi, my babe just pregnan but
Hi, my babe just pregnan but since den she is not in mood for sex wat can i do?
Hi Adex,
Hi Adex,
Its normal for people whether men or women not to be in the mood for sex. Sometimes its ok just to give your partner space if they do not want to have sex.
You can talk about it and if she feels she needs help in getting in the mood then you can work through it together. If not then its ok to wait it out.
i am in a marriage for one
i am in a marriage for one and a half years now,usually i dont like sex that much unlike my man likes it and this brings a big contrast into this marriage,…it has always been a war whenever he wants sex,sometimes he can force i but penetration fails since am not ready and there is no lubrication………..i dont know how to handle this since i know very wel that he does not slip outside.what can i do about it?.
Hi Litsa,
Hi Litsa,
Thats a difficult position to be in for anyone.
You need to ask yourself a few questions like did you like sex before and you do not like it anymore? If so what changed?
It would be a good idea to talk to your partner about it and share how you feel. You could also teach him how to turn you on if that is the issue.
Check out this articles to learn more https://lovematters.co.ke/resource/keep-talking-why-its-important .
https://lovematters.co.ke/resource/making-love .
we dated shortly and got
we dated shortly and got married,i use to enjoy sex before until that time i got pregnant unaware.the pregnancy issues brought chaos in our marriage since it seems this gay was not yet ready to have kids with me because he already had 2 kids with another woman whom he divorced and left him with the kids…………he talked so much about this pregnancy and even claimed that i could have stopped it from happening,….am so afraid abou this since i dont know weather he really wanted a wife or someone to take care of his kids……that makes me withdraw from sex soo much since i felt intimidated.
Thanks for sharing more with
Thanks for sharing more with us. Its sounds as though you need to talk to your partner about this and try to resolve it, because if you are not in good terms both issues will keep on dragging your relationship.
Hey Khadija, We are glad…
Hey Khadija, We are glad that this article was useful to you.
how can i date
how can i date
Hey Chizzy, first you would…
Hey Chizzy, first you would have to identify the person you want to date. Then, ask them out on a date. Remember the person maybe willing to go out with you or not. If they are not interested you will have to respect their choice. All the best, have a look at this article for more tips;- https://lovemattersafrica.com/love-relationships/meeting-someone/how-to-date
Can i Masturbate whith…
Can i Masturbate whith Scabies or should i take a break?
Hello Grozny777, thank you…
Hello Grozny777, thank you for getting in touch and asking a great question. Considering that your scabies have not completely healed yet, you may risk contracting an infection or further bruising and injury which may bring you a greater deal of discomfort. Take a break and let your body heal buddy and have a wonderful week ahead and stay safe.