Do I have a curable or manageable STI?
When we talk about STIs, we often focus more on aspects such as symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment. We pay little attention to an important fact which is the two key categories of STIs that exist. These two categories are based on whether an STI is curable or not.
All STIs are either curable or manageable once diagnosed.
STIs that are curable
- Infections such as gonorrhea, chlamydia, syphilis, LGV, and others are spread through sex and antibacterial medications can completely cure them.
- Scabies, trichomoniasis, and pubic lice (crabs) are caused by parasites passed on by sex partners. These parasites can be eliminated with special skin creams or oral medications.
- Molluscum contagiosum is caused by a virus that spreads via skin-to-skin contact. It will eventually go away on its own, or it can be treated with skin creams or liquid nitrogen.
Useful Tips:
- You can no longer transmit treatable STIs to another person after receiving a clean bill of health from your doctor. But be aware that you could contract the infection once more.
- To prevent contracting the infection again, use protection, such as a condom, and discuss testing with your partner or partners.
Manageable STIs
- Some STIs that cannot be cured but are managed include herpes, HPV, HIV, and hepatitis B and C. This means that through treatment, the symptoms can be managed.
- Sexual partners can spread viruses that lead to infections like herpes, HPV, HIV, and hepatitis B and C. Aside from sex, HIV, hepatitis B, and hepatitis C can also be transmitted through contact with infected blood or bodily fluids.
- Although there is no cure for these STIs, the symptoms can be managed and treated.
- Herpes symptoms can be controlled with medications, which you may need to take on a regular basis or only when you have an outbreak.
- Your doctor can remove genital warts with liquid nitrogen, just as he or she can remove warts on your hands or elbows. There is no way to know if the virus that causes warts will go away on its own.
- Medication can help with Hepatitis B and C symptoms.
- HIV symptoms can be managed with daily medications that keep you strong and allow you to live a longer life. According to new research, HIV treatment can also help prevent the virus from being passed on to your partner.
Useful tips:
- Even if you no longer have genital wart outbreaks, you may still carry the virus (HPV) and can pass it on.
- Even if you no longer experience outbreaks, the herpes virus may remain in your body.
- Tell your new partners about your STI if you feel comfortable doing so so that you can decide what precautions to take.
If you suspect you have an STI, see your doctor and have it checked out. If you are diagnosed with an STI, your doctor can advise you on treatment options and write you a prescription.