Sexsomnia: have you experienced sleep sex?

Sexsomnia: have you experienced sleep sex?

Your partner wakes you up in the night to make passionate love. Sounds romantic? Not if he’s still fast asleep. Why do some people suffer from sexsomnia? A UK sexpert investigated.

When sex makes you sad

When sex makes you sad

Does sex ever leave you feeling tearful? For some women, sex has a downside, according to recent research. After bliss comes the blues.

Are most straight women really bisexual?

Are most straight women really bisexual?

How many women get turned on by other women: (a) some, (b) most, (c) nearly all? New research reveals the truth. Put it this way: women’s sexuality is amazingly flexible!

How to flirt – proved by research

How to flirt – proved by research

What’s the best way to flirt? Science comes through again with tips to get that cute guy’s attention. Flirting technique matters more than looks, research shows.