banana with white thick fluid dripping from tip to represent penis and semen

How to tell if your penis discharge is normal  

Happy belated International Men’s Day! It’s better late than never, right?

Love Matters Kenya cares about men’s health and wellness and that is why we thought of delving into the world of penis discharge.  Let’s talk about what’s normal and what needs the attention of your health care provider.

What’s normal?

Normal penile discharges are pre-ejaculate and ejaculate, which occur during sexual arousal and sexual activity.


Pre-ejaculate, commonly referred to as precum is a clear, mucous fluid that is secreted from the tip of the penis during sexual arousal. Most men secrete anywhere from a few drops to up to a teaspoon. Pre-ejaculate is critical in lubricating the penis in preparation for sex and also clears acids from urine out of the penis. Lower acidity translates to more sperm survival.


Ejaculate is a white and cloudy substance that comes out of the tip of the penis when a man reaches orgasm. It contains sperm and fluids produced by the prostate. About 1 percent of ejaculate is sperm. The other 99 percent is made up of things like water, sugar, protein, and enzymes.

What’s not normal?

Abnormal penis discharge tends to:

  • have an unusual color
  • ave a foul odor
  • occur without sexual activity
  • be accompanied by pain, burning, or other symptoms

For instance:

A yellowish, green penile discharge

This kind of discharge confirms that you have an infection and, in most cases, it is Urethritis which is an inflammation and infection of the urethra. The discharge has a foul smell. Urethritis is commonly caused by bacteria transmitted during unprotected sex with an infected partner. However, an STI such as gonorrhea can result in this kind of discharge.

Thick, lumpy discharge that is either white or yellow

This is usually a result of the inflammation of the skin around the head of the penis. The inflammation can be caused by poor hygiene, allergies ranging from soaps to condoms, skin conditions that may cause redness, bacterial infections, and sexually transmitted infections (STIs) such as herpes that can cause blistering and inflammation in the area around the genitals.


A good percentage of men have a tendency of visiting a healthcare facility when they are in their worst state of health.  It is very important to seek the attention of a healthcare provider immediately you notice a change in your penile discharge. Do not wait until it’s too late. Run while you can still walk.

What is the color of your semen or other penis discharge?

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Recent Comments (11)

    1. Nice name! Thank you, Fish. 

      Nice name! Thank you, Fish. 

  1. Thanks for your teachings ?
    Thanks for your teachings ?

    1. Hi there, 

      Thank you. Glad…

      Hi there, 

      Thank you. Glad you learned something new. 

  2. My Penile discharge is…
    My Penile discharge is exactly that yellowish in Colour,,,have been So Worried Coz I know the colour of Sperms,,,any help? ?

    1. Hi Victor, 

      Go to the…

      Hi Victor, 

      Go to the hospital immediately as this is a sign of an infection. 

  3. What of reddish sperm’s some time normal sometimes reddish

    1. Hi there,
      See a doctor immediately, this could be a sign of an infection or inflammation.

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