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Can I contract HIV if we use the withdrawal method?

By now, we know that the withdrawal method (also known as pull out) is not effective at preventing pregnancy –it has a high failure rate. What about HIV? Is the withdrawal method effective at preventing HIV?

First, the withdrawal or pullout method involves a man pulling out his penis from the vagina before ejaculating. In this case, the man could withdraw the penis from the anus. When withdrawal happens, it means that semen, which contains sperm, will not enter a woman’s uterus or anus when a man ejaculates. As mentioned, this method is very unreliable in preventing pregnancy.

Yes, it is possible to get HIV from withdrawal whether you are having vaginal or anal sex.

This is because pre-cum can contain HIV if the person with HIV has not achieved U=U. Pre-cum, also known as pre-ejaculate fluid, is the clear and mucus-like fluid that comes out of the penis before ejaculation occurs. Withdrawal is, therefore, not an effective method of protecting yourself from getting HIV. 

It is important to note that some studies show that pulling out before ejaculation may decrease the overall risk of transmission; however, it doesn’t prevent it. Pre-cum from people with HIV and not achieved U=U is just as likely to lead to an infection as that of semen and likely contains the same concentration of HIV.

That’s not all…

Additionally, a key factor that can increase the risk of HIV transmission includes having an STI or engaging in anal sex. This is because having other STIs may damage the tissues around your genitals which can allow HIV to enter the body easily. Unprotected anal sex increases the risk of transmission because the wall of the anus is very thin, delicate, and easily damaged thus increasing the chances of the virus entering the bloodstream.


The risk of HIV transmission is higher if the person with HIV has a detectable viral load. People with HIV who have achieved U=U have little HIV in the body that is undetectable and cannot transmit the virus through sexual intercourse.

Any cuts or ulcers on the genital area can transmit other infections, including serious Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) such as gonorrhea, Hepatitis B, and Syphilis. Certain STIs can be passed from one partner to the other through skin-to-skin contact, so regular testing is recommended.

To reduce the risk of HIV transmission, use condoms correctly whether you are having vaginal or anal sex.

If you don’t use condoms consistently, consider taking Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP). Visit your nearest healthcare facility to inquire more about PrEP.

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